Chapter 5

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"Did it work? Please say it worked because I swear..." Katsumi said as she walked out of the gate. 

She began heading to U.A. as her uncle told her to. On her way she noticed something. "Hey, where's the memorial of my parents? It worked?! OH MY GOD, IT WORKED! HOLY-" She cut herself off when she realized she was in public. "Ok, so once I make it to U.A. all I have to do is talk to Aizawa and if needed Nezu. Simple enough." 

"Okay, I'm here, I gotta find Aizawa. I have 2 days until the entrance exams." She began entering U.A. and headed to the office. "Hello, Principal Nezu?" She said as she knocked on his office doors. 

"Hello! And who might you be?" The mouse greeted her.

"Oh uh. Hello, I am Katsumi uh Tanaka, but please call Katsumi." She said with slight hesitation and a smile since she couldn't say her real last name. 

Nezu noticed the slight hesitation and took it into account. He brushed it off for now and replied, "Oh hello Katsumi. What can I do for you?" 

"Could you tell me where I can find Shouta Aizawa please?" She asked. 

"Oh, yes, of course, I'll take you to him." He said as he began to exit the office. 

"Right this way" He added. 

Katsumi was finally greeted with the large doors of Class 1-A. "He should be in this classro-" He said until he noticed a yellow sleeping bag. "That is Mr. Aizawa." He said. 

"Thank you so much Principal Nezu. Could you by any chance stay here while I speak to him? I'll need to speak to you as well." She said as she entered the classroom. 

"Very well, Katsumi." He replied. Katsumi began to approach the yellow sleeping bag, she tapped the side and a man with severe bed head and noticeable eye bags came out. 

"What do you want?" Aizawa said with a monotone voice. 

"Hi Aizawa, I'm Katsumi. I need to talk to you because I'm here on a mission." Katsumi began.

"What is this mission about?" Aizawa questioned. 

"Well I'm here from the future... 25 years to be exact and I'm here to save two future pro-heroes. I know this is a lot to process but please, believe me, I have this letter for you. It's from the future you. It'll explain everything," She said as she handed him the letter. 

Aizawa takes the letter and opens it, he begins to read it when he finally says, "Very well, Katsumi from today you will be a student at U.A in class 1-A. You will have to work just as hard as everyone in this class. The staff at U.A. will help you with this mission but you must not tell anyone about this mission. The only people allowed to know are your teachers, myself, and Nezu. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do," she responds. 

"Very well Katsumi. You may start on the first day and you can come to the practice exams to watch the students. Do you have anywhere to stay?" Nezu spoke. 

"No, I do not," Katsumi admitted. 

"All right, you may stay with Aizawa. That's okay with you, correct Shouta?" Nezu questioned him. 

"Yes, it is. If that is all then let's begin heading home." Aizawa said as he picked up his sleeping bag.

Timeskip 2 days:

It's the day of the entrance exams. Katsumi was getting ready to go watch the students take the physical exam. 

"All right, Aizawa. Are we ready to go?" she asked him. 

"Yes we are, let's go before we're late." he responded. 

The two split ways once they arrived at the exam, that's when Katsumi ran into someone. 

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