Chapter 12

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At Aizawa's house:

"Good morning Katsumi. How'd you sleep?" Aizawa asked as he prepared breakfast. 

Katsumi has been staying with Aizawa since she arrived. 

"Good, thanks. What about you? Ooh, pancakes!" Katsumi said as she reached over the counter to grab the plate of pancakes Aizawa served. 

"Those were- nevermind, I slept well," Aizawa said as he grabbed a new plate and served himself pancakes. 

"So, did you go over those files I showed you?" Aizawa asked taking a bite out of his food. 

"Yeah, I did. So, the lead you found is a guy named Shitori? What connection does he have with Y/N?" Katsumi asked as she began to eat her pancakes. 

"Well, we believe he and Y/N had some sort of connection in America. He was involved in several crimes around where Y/N lived before coming to Japan. However, they stopped once Y/N left," He said. 

"So you think Y/N was part of those crimes?" Katsumi asked. 

"No, we contacted her father to ask about Y/N and she said Y/N never accompanied or knew about the crimes. We asked her father to keep quiet about the situation for now since she doesn't know the reason we're asking." Katsumi sighed in relief knowing her mother wasn't a criminal, however she needed to know more about Shitori. 

"Ok, I'll let you know when I get any more information. For now, let's start heading to school,"

At Y/N's house:

"Good morning, Dad," Y/N said as she into the kitchen. 

"Good morning, did you sleep well, sweetie?" He asked.

"No, actually I didn't," Y/N said as she sat down next to her dad. 

"Why's that?" He asked. 

"He's looking for me, and I don't know what to do," Y/N said trying her best to not break down. 

"What? How did you find out?" Her dad asked as he stood up from the table, his expression visibly changed to one of anger. 

"During the USJ attack a villain took me, he said he came to warn me that Shitori's in Japan," Y/N said looking at her hands. 

"Does he know where in Japan we are?" Her dad asked as paced back and forth. 

"No, but the villain said I should learn how to use it," Y/N said looking at her dad. 

Her dad froze. He turned to Y/N and said, "And do you want to use it?" 

"I don't know. What if when I do I scare people and become an outcast. What if my friends leave me because of it, just like-" "Just like mom, I know. Look, Y/N. You can't let that fear control you, they won't leave if they really care about you. I'll help you train more for when he does come you can control it better," Her dad cut her off. 

Y/N sighed and hugged her dad. "Thank you, dad," she said. 

"Any time kiddo," He said as he hugged her tighter. 

"Now head to school. You're late. Call me if you need anything or if something happens. We'll start training soon," She nodded in response and ran to school. 

"Hey Bakugou, where's Y/N?" Katsumi asked. 

"I don't know, we're supposed to train after school so I don't know why she would miss today," he said. 

"So you're gonna train with Y/N? Alone?" Katsumi teased. 

"Shut up, extra! And YES, we're supposed to train ALONE," he said.  

Once Y/N arrived at school, she ran to class. As she opened the door, the class turned to look at Y/N. 

"You're late" was all Aizawa said before he got into his sleeping bag. 

"Sorry," Y/N responded trying to avoid everyone's stares as she went to sit in front of Katsumi.  

"Hey, everything okay?" Katsumi asked. 

"Hm? Oh yeah," Y/N said smiling. Bakugou noticed something was still bothering Y/N but he didn't say anything. 

"She's hiding something," Bakugou whispered to Katsumi. 

"I know, but I don't know what," She whispered back. 

Everyone left once class was dismissed. "Katsumi, may I speak with you?" Aizawa said. 

Katsumi nodded and walked over to Aizawa. 

"Y/N knows about Shitori," Aizawa said. 

"How do you know?" Katsumi questioned. 

"Her dad called and told us about her encounter with a villain during the USJ, that's why she was late to meet up with us after everything. The villain told her that Shitori was in Japan and looking for her," Aizawa said. 

"So what should we do?" Katsumi asked. 

"We just need to keep quiet until we get more details, maybe then we can find out why if he's the one that kills your parents in the future," Y/N nods and said, "Thank you, Mr. Aizawa," "Of course, Katsumi. We want to make sure your parents' fate changes in the future, that was all. You may go now, I'll see you at home," Aizawa said. 

Katsumi nods and exits the class. 

"What was that about?" Bakugou said while he leans on the wall. 

"T-that? It was nothing," Katsumi said. 

"Don't give me that bullshit. Who's Shitori and what does he want with Y/N. And what did you mean by 'if he's the one that kills your parents in the future'?" Bakugou questioned.

"Shit, he's figured me out."

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