Chapter 45

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"Mom! You're awake!" Katsumi yelled as she ran into her arms.

"Katsumi! That hurts!" Y/N yelled.

"Sorry!" Katsumi said as she jumped away.

"It's all right, come here," Y/N said as she held out her arms for Katsumi. 

Katsumi gave Y/N a gentle yet loving hug. When they pulled away, Y/N gave Katsumi a kiss on her head.

"I'm sorry, Katsumi. I couldn't save him," Y/N said as tears escaped her eyes.

"It's okay mom, I know he'll be back," Katsumi said as she sat beside Y/N's bed.

"How do you know?" Y/N asked. 

"I'm from the future, remember?" Katsumi said. 

"Right," Y/N said as she scratched her head.

"Y/N! You're awake!" Ochako yelled as she ran to her side.

"Yeah, how are you guys?" Y/N asked.

"We're okay, Deku just woke up. Y/N I was so scared he wasn't gonna wake up," Ochako said as a tear fell from her eye. 

Y/N sat up and pulled Ochako into her chest and brushed her hair. "I know, but he's okay now," She said.

"You're right, and I'm sorry we weren't able to save Bakugou," Ochako said.

"It's okay, Ochako. I know he's going to come back," Y/N said.

"How do you know?" Ochako asked as she pulled away. 

Y/N looked at Katsumi and said, "Intuition," 

"I hope you're right, I'm gonna go check on Deku. I'll be back," Ochako said as she left.

Y/N tried getting out off bed but Katsumi stopped her before she could get up.

"What are you doing? Lay back down," Katsumi said as she gently laid Y/N back on the bed.

"I need to go check on everyone, I need to see if they're okay," Y/N said.

"Then let me know so I can help you, I don't want my mother falling like an old lady," Katsumi said giggling.

"You laugh now but eventually you'll actually have to do it," Y/N said as Katsumi helped her up.

"Take me to Deku's room," Y/N said.

"Yes, your majesty," Katsumi said as she helped Y/N walk.

"Did everyone from Class A come to visit?" Deku asked as he laid in bed.

"No. Jiro and Hagakure are still out, they were knocked unconcious by the gas and Yaoyorozu took a pretty bad hit to the head. She's hospitalized here, I found out she finally woke up. Then Y/N's unconcious due to a bad stab wounds and broken back," Iida said.

"Y/N's fine, I just went to see her. It's only 15 of us for now," Ochako said as she brushed Izuku's hair back.

"Because Bakugou is gone," Todoroki said.

"He knows Todoroki," Mina said.

As they continued talking, Y/N walked through the door with Katsumi. Katsumi was helping Y/N walk by holding Y/N's arm around her shoulder while Y/N leaned on the IV.

"I couldn't save someone who was right infront of me... and since I failed, he's gone," Deku said as tears flooded his vision.

"It's not your fault Midoriya, I was so close to saving him... but I couldn't," Y/N said as she said with a sad expression.

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