1.The Past and Present

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(A girl is travelling in a cab crying silently and thinking something.)

In her thoughts, "I don't want to leave the orphanage. There I found so many people who loved me so much. The children, the ma'am, all really loved me a lot.
But I have to shift from their to the new home because of my college. I completed all my education with the help of scholarship I got.
Now also I got the scholarship and I got admission into the most famous college.I am so happy.
But I literally didn't have money to buy a new house for me. So I took a small room on rent. Hope that the room owner will be nice. But I have to find a part time job to pay the money from the next month. Huuhh, let's see what will happen. "

(Her thinking stops due to the jerk she experienced as the cab stops. She gets down and paid the driver.
Then she went to her room owner. The room owner is very arrogant. She almost dragged Avu to her room and said her to follow all her stupid rules.
Avu didn't say anything just nodded in yes.
After that she got fresh and started to search for a job on internet.
She found one job of her kind. She applied for that jobjob and went to cook something. Then she eat her dinner and slept thinking about her job interview.)

Meanwhile at the other hand, a boy is gossiping with his friends. He is Sid.They decided to go for shopping tomorrow before starting of their college.
They also got admission in the same college as of Avu but by paying money. 😂😂. Guys, they are not studios. After that they all went to their respective homes and drifted to sleep.

What will happen next???
Will Avu and Sid meet???

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