78.Caring Sid

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Doctor : She is not fine at all. I think she didn't eat anything from morning. That's why she faint. I guess from last some days she is skipping her meals and doing lots of work. Because she is too much weak.

I have bandaged her wound. That is not deep. It will get recovered in two days. Just give her these medicines and take proper care of her. And ha just made her eat food now. She will get her conscious after some time.

(Doctor left. VA took the food in plate and all went to her room. Vaish was still crying. They all are waiting for her to get up)

Sid (in mind) : I knew it. Why the hell she was not eating food? She was doing a lot of work specially for Bhabhi. Yaar I should have take care of her.

(Just then Avu opened her eyes. She saw Vaish crying. She got up with jerk and hold Vaish)

Avu (panicked) : Bhabhi what happened? Why are you crying? Kuch hua hain kya? Apko backpain ho raha hain? Batao na? Bhai what happened?

(Vaish looked at her and slapped her tightly. Then she engulfed her into tight hug. Avu was totally in shock)

Vaish (crying) : Avu why were you not eating properly? Just because of me you were working so much. You fainted because you didn't take care of yourself because you were busy taking care of me. I am sorry Avu.

Avu : Bhabhi please don't say like that. You don't have to say sorry. Don't worry it's not your fault. I will take care of myself now. Chalo now you have to take medicines.

(She was about to go when Sid held her hand)

Avu : What?

Sid : Sit down.

Avu : But.

Sid : Do as I said.

(She sat down quietly)

Sid : Now without a single word you are eating this. I am feeding you right now with my hands. Bhai will give medicine to Bhabhi.

(Avu didn't utter a word. Sid fed her. He gave her medicines. Then he told her to sleep. But she said that she has some office work. He said her to do it later in morning. She kept quiet. Sid carressed her hair. Meanwhile all went to their room. When she slept. Sid also slept beside her)

Love or Fate -A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now