70.Happy happy

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(Vaish got her conscious. Abhi sat beside her. She tried to get up)

Vaish : Abhi.

Abhi : Vaish didn't sit. Just lay down. And from today you are not doing anything. No work. We all will do everything. You are not allowed to eat fast food.. Blah blah blah..

(He was blabbering continuously. Vaish got confused)

Avu : Bhai stop. Take a deep breath. Now say

Vaish : Abhi kya hua hain mujhe?

Abhi : Vaish my jaan..

(He held her hands)

We are going to become parents soon. You are pregnant my jaan.

Vaish : What? Sach?

(She got happy but suddenly she started crying. All got tensed. Abhi cupped her face)

Abhi : Vaish what happened? Why are you crying?

Vaish : Abhi what if this baby also..

Abhi : Sh.. Kuch mat bolna. Kuch nahi hoga. I assure you that  I will take care of you like anything. I will be with you two always. Don't think like that.

(They both hugged each other. All hugged both of them. Abhi called VA and told her everything. She told him that they should went to home to be comfortable)

Abhi : Mom said to go in home. I mean Vaish also.

Avu : Ok bhai I will pack her bags.

Vaish : No I want Avu. I will not come with you.

Avu : Bhabhi but..

Abhi : Vaish..

Vaish : No I want Avu.

Jann : Bhai Bhabhi is right. I think Avu should be with her even if you are present. Avu can take care of her.

Abhi : Ha but Mom said to go home.

Vaish : Then let's take Avu with us.

Avu : But Bhabhi.. Sid ..

Vaish : You don't take any tension. You just pack your bags and mine also. You are coming and that's final. And I want to say something to all of you. So you also come with us. It's important. And don't dare to say anything now.

All : Ok

(They packed their stuff. Avu took Vaish's stuff. All helped her to keep the bags in car except Abhinavi because of course they are spending some time with each other. Then they all went towards Nigam Mansion.

Avu is scared like hell. Reem and Anu were consoling her. All reached there. First Vaish and Abhi went inside. They saw Sid. Sid also saw Vaish and went towards her and hugged her tightly)

Abhi (separating them) : Sid aisa mat karo use. Leave her.

Sid : Bhai please kuch mat bolo. Why can't I?

Love or Fate -A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now