92.Where is Avu?

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After so many days...

(In these days Rits didn't chage a bit. They were living ina cage in Nigam mansion. Abhi used to go to office. They were too much angry on Sid. Rits was enjoying the situation.

Sidneet were working too much hard. They used to go office daily and used to see Movies and go for walk on Sunday. They didn't do much conversation with one another because of their work. Avu got the promotion. And they were really happy.

Sid is now confirmed about his feelings for Avu. But he didn't confess yet. He is just finding the correct timing for it.)

Present time...

It was Saturday...

(Sid came from office. He didn't find Avu. He opened his phone and saw that Avu messaged him that She will get late. He sighed sadly.

He became fresh and slept for some time. He woke up and saw Avu was not there. He again sighed and made some coffee and drink it. As tomorrow was going to be Sunday so he thought to watch movie.
He watched an half movie and saw the time. It was 11 pm. Now he got worried. He took his phone and called Avu. But she didn't reply. He came out of house. He ride the bike towards her office)

Sid (in mind) : Avu where are you yaar? God she must be safe.

(Suddenly he saw something...)

Meanwhile with Avu..

(She was going towards home. When some bad boys came near her. She started walking fast. They came near her and started touching her.)

Avu : Go away.

Boy1 : Not so soon baby

Avu (Loud) : Go away.

(That boy got angry and slapped her hard that blood came from her side of lips. They pulled her hair harshly. She is screaming and crying. But there was no one to help her. They were beating her and were trying to rape her. They were about to open her dress when sm1 came and saw them. Sm1 saw Avu and got shocked. Avu saw sm1 and ran towards him.)

Sm1 : Avu are you ok?

Avu : S.. i.... d..

Sid : don't worry Avu.

(He came near the boys and beat them. They all ran away. Sid came near Avu and hugged her. She hugged him back and cried a lot. She buried her face in his chest and was crying continuously. Sid was consoling her)

Sid : Avu let's go home first.

(They both went home)

Love or Fate -A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now