116.Her mood swings

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(After some days......

Sid has also joined the business of Nigams but Abhi said him to work from home only as Avu needs him. Avu is fine now. Sid is taking too much care of her.


Sid woke up and saw Avu sleeping. He smiled and kissed her cheecks. Due to that she woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Sid looking at her.)

Avu : Good morning

Sid : Madam it's good evening

Avu : WHAT? Oh shit. I slept this much.

Sid : Calm down Avu. You are pregnant. Do you forget?

Avu : Oh ha yes.

Sid : Now come here.

(She went and sat on his lap. Sid slowly backhugged her. She kept her hands on his. He started playing with her fingers. He was kissing her fingers and she was giggling. He then made her fresh as she was week. Then VA and Vaish came in room with dinner.They told Sid to feed her. Sid make a morsel and move it towards Avu.)

Avu : no

Sid : Avu eat.

Avu (pout and puppy eyes) : No

Sid : These tricks won't be working on me so eat fast.

Avu : I don't want it.

Sid : So what do you want?

Avu : Nothing

Sid (shout) : Avu eat fast.

(Avu got scared and ate the dinner as fast as possible. Then Sid also ate. Suddenly Avu went to washroom and started throwing up all the food. Sid got tensed and went after her. He made her drink water. He then made her sit on bed. Suddenly she started crying. Sid got tensed more)

Sid : what happened? Why are you crying?

Avu : I am not a good wife. I didn't listen you. That's why you shouted on me. I am not a good wife.

(She cried even more. Sid sari on bed and made her sit on his lap)

Sid : I am sorry baccha. I shouted you. You said no to food but I made you eat forcefully. That's why you threw up. I am so sorry. Please don't cry. And you are so so so much good wife.

Avu(like a kid) : Really?

Sid : Yes

Avu (happily) : Ok.

(He then made lemonade for her and made her sleep. He also slept backhugging her slowly)

Love or Fate -A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now