2.The meet

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Next morning...

Avu got ready for the interview and went to LR industries. She got selected for the job. Very happily she went back to home.
She has to join office from the very next day at evening. But also college is starting from next day.
She decided to buy some dresses for her for college. Hence, in evening she went to xyz mall. But she doesn't know everything about that mall.

On the other hand Sid and their friends also went to the same mall.
As soon as they reach they saw some girls their.

Faisu : Yaar Sid dekh na woh ladki kitni hot hain.

Sid : Stop it yaar. Don't start flirting now please 😡😣😣

Ri : But why stop? We have girlfriends but see these girls (pointing towards  Jann, Reem and Anu) , they are not even looking at us.They are busy in shopping.

Jai : Yaar Sid how can you be so calm. You are not having any girlfriend yet then also you are not flirting with anyone.

Sid looks towards Ari and says I am not having girlfriend but soon I will get.

Faisu, Ri and Jai then understand what he want to say and starts smirking.

All girls came to them.

Jann : Faisu what were you doing here? 😡😡Come with me to choose dresses.

Faisu gulped in fear and went with her.

All started laughing. Then Any took Ri and Reem took Jay with them and they also left. Now Sid and Ari remain.

They also start shopping. All time Sid is not paying attention towards shopping but on Ari.
After some time all came at exit and decided to go to food court.
But suddenly a girl came running towards them and bumped on Sid.She is about to fall but Sid catches her and saves her.
She closes her eyes in fear. Sid got lost in her beauty. But he made her stand properly. Ari is burning in jealousy. She came towards them and hold that girl's hand tightly.

Ari : who are you hahh? How dare you bumped on Sid?

Girl (crying) : I am Avneet Kaur. And I am really very sry. I didn't did it intentionally.But some boys were trying to snatch my purse and are following me.

Ari : Oh really. I know type of gils like you always try to get close towards boys. You cheap middle class.

Avu : I am really very sry for it. (She then left from there crying.)

All are disappointed with Ari's behavior.

Faisu : what is this Ari? Is this the way to behave with that girl.

Jann : He is right Ari. You should not have done that.

Ari : oh just shut up guys. And why are you scolding me and also for that bitch.

Sid : stop it Ari now. They are right you should not have done that.

Ari : Sid now you also.

Reem : oh please guys let's stop this topic now. Let's go now.

All agreed and left to home. Sid is continuously thinking about Avu. But then his phone started ringing.It's of Ari.

On call -

Ari : Sid I am really very sry. I should not have done that. Pls pls pls forgive me.

Sid : It's ok Ari. At least you realize your fault. Let it be. I have a surprise for you tomorrow.

Ari : oh really. I am damn excited for it. Ok then meet you in college.

Sid : yaah bye.

Meanwhile at Avu' side -

She is checking her purse and got relief when she realize that all money is safe. Then she apply medicine on her hand where Ari hurted her. And then she drifted to sleep thinking about her first day of college.
what will happen next?
What surprise will Sid give to Ari.
Stay tunned...

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