117.The time came

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After few months...
(In these months Sid took care of Avu like anything.Rahul and Mihu gave birth to a son. Abhay was now 1 year old.


Avu was tossing on bed from left to right and right to left. Her legs were swollen. She had a huge baby bump. Suddenly Sid came there with some soup)

Sid : Avu drink this soup now.

Avu : No

Sid : Avu you didn't even eat a single morsel of food from morning. It's not good na baby.

Avu : I don't feel like eating anything.

Sid : I will feed then

(He went near her and helped her sitting on bed. He then feed her soup forcefully. Then backhugged her because she was having back pain.)

Avu : Sid I can't keep it now. It's too heavy

Sid : Just some more days na baccha.

Avu : Hmm.

(They were talking and laughing. Suddenly Avu shouts in pain.)

Avu (crying) : Aaahhh.... Sid it's paining. Do something please. Aaah....

Sid (worried) : What happened suddenly? Are you ok?

Avu (crying) : No. Sid do something. It's paining a lot.

(She was clutching her stomach tightly and crying in pain. Sid got tensed and call Vaish and VA. They went in hospital quickly. They took Avu inside the room. Outside Sid was crying like hell. Abhi was consoling her. Their whole gang came there. After some time doctor came. Sid rushed towards him)

Sid : What happened? Everything is ok na? How is she? How is my baby?

Doctor : See calm down. But the thing is the position of the baby is not favorable for birth. So we have to wait for sometime. Otherwise we have to do operation. You can meet her now. But she is in too much pain. Let's wait for sometime.

(All got shocked. Sid was in so much shock. All tried to talk to him. But before that he rushed towards Avu. He went inside and saw her crying like hell because it's paining her a lot. His heart skipped a beat seeing her like that. He went towards her and held her hand. She looked at him with teary eyes. They both were crying.)

Avu (crying) : Sid nothing should happen to our baby. I don't want to do operation. I am ready to bear the pain. But our baby should come in this world safely.

Sid : ...

Love or Fate -A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now