31.Marriage fixed

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Rits : I am innocent guys. I really loved Sid a lot. But that time Manjul trapped me in his game. He said me that he will harm Sid and his family if I won't listen him. He said me to come close to him otherwise he will harm Sid. But I didn't know that Sid will see us.

After that Sid and me never talked. When you all left the school Manjul told me that Sid ditched me. Then I broke down. He supported me. Then he started getting close to me. I started falling for him. But he only used me for fulfilling his wish for lust. Just one month before I got to know that it was all planned. Then I ran from him.

Now he is searching me. Trust me Sid. I didn't know that it was his plan. I am sorry Sid. I am really sorry. I don't care if I got hurt because of you or not after our marriage.

See Sid if I marry you then I will be safe. Then Manjul can't do anything and you will also not get hurt. Please Sid try to understand. I am begging you.

(All were shocked. Rits broke down. Sid was numb. Tears started rolling from his eyes. Sid went towards Rits helped her to stand and hugged her tightly. She also hugged him back)

Sid (while crying) : I am sorry Rits. I should have  trusted  our love. I am so so so sorry.

Rits (crying) : It's ok Sid. It's not your fault. I am sorry. But please trust me now. Please and I want to marry you and only you.

Sid : Yes I will also marry you and only you.

(Both smiled. Sid kissed her on forehead. All were happy except VA. Sid hold Ritika's hand and walked towards VA)

Sid : Mom I am ready for marriage with Rits.

VA : Ok beta. I don't have any problem. I am happy for both of you my sons. I am sorry Rits for what I said.

Rits : It's ok Aunty. It's not your fault.

All others : We are also sorry Rits.

Rits : It's ok guys. Now come.

(They all hugged her.)

At last...
Avu : Congratulations Sid and Ritika. .

Rahul : Ya yes... Congratulations

Ritika : Thank you so much but who are you both?

Sid : Rits they are our friends. She is Avneet and he is Rahul.

Rits : Oh hi.. Nice to meet you guys.

Avu & Rahul : Same to you.

(Then all started preparing for engagement of Abhi and Sid)

Love or Fate -A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now