15.The Office

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Next day...

At canteen...

Faisu (in mind) : I have to find out it.

He was lost on his thoughts.

Avu came there.

Avu : Thank you Sid thank you Faisu.

Faisu and Sid : It's ok Avu.

Suddenly she faints.

Jai caught her.

Jai : Avu... Avu what happened.

He touched her chicks.

Jai : Oh god she is having fever.

Jann : Let's take her to college medical room.

They all went there. Doctor checked her and give her medicine.

All to Avu : You are going home and taking rest and that's final. No college today.

Avu : O.. Okk..

Jai took her in arms. She is shocked.

Avu : what are you doing??

Faisu : He is taking care of you till you reach home. He will drop you at home. That's final.

Avu : ookk. But I can walk.

Ri : shut up now.

Sid : yes... Jai take her to home.

They both went.
In evening...

Avu is feeling better now. So she went to her office. She started doing her work.

After some time someone enters in her office. All stand up. She also stands up.

Someone saw her and got lost in her. He came towards her.

Sm1 : who are you?? Are you new here??

Avu : yes sir. Myself Avneet kaur. I am doing part time job here.

Sm1 : oh hello. I am Lucky.

Avu : Oh hello boss. Nice to meet you.

Lucky : Don't call me Boss. Call me Lucky

(And he went)

Avu felt uncomfortable.

She again started doing her work.

The day went normal.

Sorry for boring chapter.
But something amazing coming soon.
So stay tuned.

Love or Fate -A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now