91.My beautiful wife

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(They both came back home in evening. They both were really tired. Sid was too much tired. Avu came home first. After some time Sid came. He directly pushed himself on bed. Avu chuckled. She went near him)

Avu : Sid how was your first day?

(Sid put his head on her lap. She started carressing his hair. He felt relief)

Sid : Superb. Everyone there is so much suportive. How was your?

Avu : Nice

Avu : Chlo then go get fresh. I will make dinner
Sid : No leave it. Stay like this na please for some time.

Avu (smiled) : Ok

(She was carressing his hair. After just 10 minutes he fell into deep slumber. She chuckled. She got up and put his head on bed and removed his shoes. She went to make dinner. After some time Sid himself got up and saw Avu arranging dinner)

Sid : Avu..

Avu : Arey you got up. Good. Now go get fresh. Dinner is ready.

Sid : ok

(They both did dinner. Then Sid was continuously telling about his office and all. Avu was listening everything and smiling.

She was trying to keep her eyes open but at last she fell on Sid's lap. Sid looked at her and smiled. He started carressing her hair. Suddenly he kissed her on forehead)

Sid (in mind) : She does everything for me. She does every work. She supports me in every way. She is such a pure soul. I hurted her a lot. Then also she supported me. Not even my mom trusted but she did.

Why are you so much beautiful Avu? Not only by face but also from heart. I am just falling for you. Yes I am falling for her everyday, every second. I just love to admire you. See na now also you are looking so much beautiful in sleep.

(He is thinking about her. He then placed her carefully and laid behind her and backhugged her.)

Love or Fate -A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now