87.Memories and cries...

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In Nigam Mansion

Rits : Chlo ab mein free hoon.

(VA, Abhi and Vaish just went from their to their rooms respectively.

Sidneet reached the road in front of Nigam Mansion. They again turned and looked towards the house and then start walking)

Sid (wiping his tears) : I will call taxi.

Avu : It's ok Sid. We can walk. My house is not too much far.

Sid : Ok

(They started walking. They walked towards Avu's home. Avu opened the door. They entered the house.)

Avu : Umm. I am sorry. This is not big house. But..

Sid : It's ok.

(They both smiled. Avu quickly went and got fresh in just 10 minutes)

Avu : Sid you go get fresh. I will prepare something for lunch.

Sid : Hmm

(She gave him his clothes and went to prepare lunch. After some time he went and just sat on bed)

Avu : Sid come. Lunch is ready.

Sid : Hmm

(They both ate lunch quietly. Avu quickly wash dishes and came towards bed. She saw Sid was staring at nothing there. She went and sat beside him. She kelt her hand on his shoulder)

Avu : Sid..

(Sid looked towards her)

Sid : Avu why always happened it with me only? What was my mistake? Why why why??

(He started crying. Avu also got tears)

Avu : See Sid all this is not in our hands. We shouldn't think of it. We will fight it together. Don't take tension Sid.

Sid : Thank you so much for trusting me.

Avu : We are friends na then no sorry no thank you.

Sid : Not friends best friends.

(They just smiled weakly. Sid hugged her very very tightly. She hugged him back. They cried in each other's embrace for long time.

Avu broke the hug slowly and wiped his tears. She kept his head in her lap. He layed down. Tears were rolling from their eyes. She started caressing his hair sweetly. He was too much tired that he slept there only.

She smiled watching him and continued caressing his hair. In evening Sid woke up and was looking here and there)

Avu : What happened?

Sid : Tum abhi yahi ho?

Avu : Ha. Why?

Sid : You should have sleep na.

Avu : I thought you will be disturbed.

(Sid smiled. She also smiled.)

Avu : Go get fresh. I will make coffee for you.

Sid : Hmm

(She made coffee for them)

Love or Fate -A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now