{ACOTAR} Nyx Headcanons

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I love Nyx, that little smol bean is going to get into so much trouble and I feel the need to share some of my thoughts that are going on here cause there's a lot-

-He has the same obsession with bargain tattoos that Feyre does. Feyre thinks it's sweet but it gives Rhys anxiety because now angry parents keep yelling at him because Nyx won't stop making bargains on the playground and now every kid in Velaris is covered in tattoos.

-Nyx loves the entire inner circle, of course, but he has his favorites for specific things. If he wants to do something devious, he'll run for Cassian. If he wants to get back at someone who was mean, he'll go right to Amren. If he's upset, he can always count on Elain for a snack and a hug, and if something ever goes wrong, he goes right to Azriel. 

-Azriel cannot understand why Nyx adores him so much, but he does, and it frequently makes Cassian and even Rhys jealous. Nyx is a big fan of Az's shadows.

-Nyx hangs out with Mor a lot, but the two are a dangerous combination. She dyed his hair bright pink once. Feyre wished she had asked first, but Nyx was so happy with it that she couldn't really object, and Rhys thought he looked stylish.

-When he's little, Nyx is clumsy with style. He's fallen into the Sidra off the bridge railing multiple times, but he falls with such elegance people assume he's done it on purpose.

-He begs Rhys every day to go flying with him, and after the first time it happened, Rhys actually sobbed because his little boy loves flying as much as the rest of them.

-He does puzzles with Amren. He's the only one allowed to help her.

-He loves music. Art too, of course, but he can never get enough of music. He and Nesta attend a lot of concerts together, and because Nyx can charm anyone he sets his mind to, he's a little gentleman the whole time, rather than the loud, rambunctious kiddo he is with the others.

-You know he owns no less than three little stylish formal outfits, miniatures of the ones his father wears.

-When he learns how to talk, Rhys's first goal is to get him to say "Hello Feyre Darling." He succeeds, and Feyre doesn't know whether to cry of adorableness or to hit Rhys with a shoe for it.

-He likes going to Feyre's studio with her. At first he'd just sit and watch her paint, but eventually he picked up a brush. He gave everyone little paintings for Solstice. Amren's walls are now covered in his artwork, but if you say one word about it, she'll eat you.

-He's weirdly protective of Amren. He hovered over her when Varian came to town, and Varian would be lying if he said he didn't feel a little bit threatened by it. But Nyx nods by the end of the day, so apparently he meets Nyx's standards.

-He goes to the library with the Priestesses a lot. Some of them were hesitant to see him at first, but he's hard to resist when he toddles over with a book twice his size, little wings dragging on the floor behind him, and he hands one of the priestesses a book and asks them to read it to him. He makes up his own stories and tells those to the Priestesses that don't talk. 

-Gwyn has borderline kidnapped him a couple of times simply because he's too precious to handle and she never wants to stop hugging him. She's on Nyx's list of favorite people now.

-Rhys had to take him to one of the Illyrian training camps one day. Rhys got into a fight with one of the sexist generals, of course, and they decided they'd let Nyx watch the groups train and let him pick the best fighter. He picked one of the females, and Rhys brought it up to the Illyrians every single time he came to their camps for months afterwards.

-Baby Nyx is happy, but not easily impressed. You're not gonna sway him over with peekaboo. He knows what he wants, and he's not stupid. He knows how to get it.

-Rhysand could not function for a week after Nyx said "Da-da" for the first time. Cassian thought he was being ridiculous until little Nyx reached for him and screeched "Cassie!"  He doesn't think he'll ever fully recover.

-Nyx's first swear word was prick, and the Inner Circle laughed about it for a month.

-When they eventually get Bryaxis back in the library, Nyx makes a point to visit him often. He'll show off his toys and play games with the creature. He's not afraid of him at all. It makes Cassian a bit terrified, but Feyre insists it's fine.

-He loves bedtime stories, especially when they come from Rhys, who tells him the heroic tales of the Inner Circle (albeit dulled down a bit so they won't scare him, but Rhys's heroic storytelling makes up for that). He tells him about Feyre fighting the Wyrm and about them falling in love (Rhys being hit with a shoe is always a part that's bound to make Nyx giggle). He tells him about Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie, and him, Cassian, and Azriel. Nyx loves his father's stories.

-He also likes stories from Feyre, but his favorite is always the ones his mother tells about the Suriel. She catches him leaving his cloaks outside as offerings sometimes, and it always stings.

-When he started crawling, Feyre mentioned that they'd have to babyproof the house. This was a foreign concept to the boys, and once explained, sent Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel into a babyproofing frenzy that ended with their wings, most of Velaris, and Amren being wrapped in protective materials.

-The House of Wind plays with him. It gives him toys to play with and cake (the unicorn makes a reappearance, naturally). This usually happens when Nesta babysits him at the house. Feyre has no idea where all the toys come from when she picks him up, and Nesta just smirks about it and doesn't say a word.

-He comes to training a lot, and Cassian has caught him mimicking the punches with tiny fists on more than one occasion. When he actually starts training, Emerie and Gwyn sit in the corner and freak out over how cute it is.

-Everyone in the Inner Circle is eager to teach Nyx to train, but it's ultimately Cassian who starts him off, cause he's gentle. Rhys suggested Azriel first, but Feyre shot it down. Az is a cruel teacher, but he supervises anyways, occasionally sparring with Nyx and making him laugh when he beats Cassian's ass.

-Rhys makes a big show of losing fights when he and Nyx play. He flails on the ground like Nyx has mortally wounded him, and Nyx thinks its the funniest thing in the world. Feyre has no less than five paintings about it, but her favorite is from the time Rhys got Cassian and Azriel in on it too, so Nyx beat all three of them. She calls the painting "Illyrian babies"

-Nyx has his own Rhys impression. He'll dress up in one of the outfits he has that's a mini of Rhys's, and he'll mess up his hair, stick his chin up high, and babble and wave his hands dramatically. It's one of Feyre's favorite things he does, but he has a habit of sneaking into Rhys' office when he's in meetings and silently doing the impression as his father talks. It's the only thing that makes Azriel break his serious expression, no matter how hard he tries to hold on. 

-On his first Solstice, Feyre took him to the cabin so they could watch the snowball fight between Rhys, Azriel, and Cassian. Cassian is THIS CLOSE to winning when Nyx rolls his own little snowball and manages to hit Cass. Rhys deemed him the winner. Cass declared it was cheating, and they've argued about it every year since.

-Amren is his best friend and it's the same exact vibe as Edna Mode and Jack-Jack in the second Incredibles and I will defend this to the death.

-The literal only person on the entire planet that doesn't like Nyx is Tamlin, obviously. He made the mistake of insulting Nyx at a meeting one time. He was trying to get a rise out of Rhys, but instead Feyre lunged at him while the other Courts struggled to hold themselves and the rest of the Night Court back.

So there, Nyx is a sweet lil cinnamon roll and I will defend him until the end of time, I love him.

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