{ACOTAR/TOG} Bryaxis

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A/N: Set after ACOWAR and near the end of Heir of Fire seeing as that's as far as I've read in TOG. Just an idea/headcannon I had.

It has been several centuries since the King of Hybern took his last breath, and while Prythian is at peace, rumors have spread across the courts that other Fae may be in danger across the sea.

Feyre tries not to think about the rumors she hears in an attempt to focus on her life in Velaris, especially since there's so much going on. Her and Rhys's son will be eight in a few weeks, and Elain's wedding is just around the corner. But all of those thoughts leave her mind when a letter shows up on her door, unmarked except for her name.She tries to mask her utter shock after reading its contents.

Dear High Lady of the Night Court, as I assume that is still your proud title,

In all the centuries I have been gone, any attempt to write this note myself has failed. Thankfully for the both of us, I have befriended a boy brave enough to listen and mail my note rather than run away in terror at the sight of me.

I have no doubt you and the High Lord have tried to locate me over the years, and your attempts have failed simply because I'm too far away for you to know where to look for me. Currently, I have found myself a new home in the bottom of the library of Mistward. They have windows in here, so it's slightly preferable to my accommodations in Velaris, even with so many Demi-Fae crowding in here rather than the quiet priestesses I was used to.

My friend that continues to transcribe my words in hopefully legible handwriting is a boy called Luca. I imagine the High Lord would take quite a liking to him, should they ever happen to meet. 

But as for the reason I write you now, High Lady, it is not simply to update you on my whereabouts. Nothing is ever simple, is it?

I fear Mistward is endangered, and the continents surrounding me are as well. They have found a way to kill magic nearby, and the situation is worsening by the day. I imagine the young queen on the rise needs as much help as she can get to fix things.

We have bargained together once before, Feyre, and now it is my turn to ask a favor of you. Come to Mistward with your High Lord (and Cassian, if he can stand seeing me again), and help the crumbling situation here.

I suspect you'll find my young friend in the kitchens. He will direct you to the ones most in need of your help. I haven't had the privilege of meeting Rowan Whitethorn or the Lost Queen of Terrasen yet, but I imagine they'll be grateful to have such powerful High Fae as yourselves by their side.

Until our next meeting, High Lady,


Feyre stared at the letter, blinking.

Rhys? She sent down the bond.

Yes? He practically purred back.

I think we need to pay an old friend a visit. 

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