{SPN} Sam and Eileen's Wedding

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Can we just stop for a moment and imagine Dean Winchester at Sam and Eileen's wedding?

Because I choose to believe Sam and Eileen ended up together and you cannot tell me otherwise, fight me. (I still ship Sabriel tho, but Sam and Eileen for the win in canon)



Cause you know he'd be crying the ENTIRE TIME, even though he'd try so hard not to and he'd deny it forever.

But how could he not cry when his little brother is getting married and their lives are finally peaceful enough that Sam can actually get married and be happy and oh my god, he's sobbing with happiness.

And Eileen looks so beautiful and Sam looks so happy that Dean, even with happy tears in his eyes, literally CANNOT STOP smiling for the entire day. 

He's Sam's best man, of course, so he gets a front row seat to the whole wedding and that's really not helping him keep his emotions in check.

He's not the only one who cries of course. He and Jody spend the first half of the reception passing a box of tissues back and forth.

And Sam just rolls his eyes at his brother, calling him ridiculous, but Sam is just smiling so much he feels like his face is gonna crack off and he really doesn't care because he just got MARRIED like what is this, is he DREAMING?

And sure, there are plenty of people they wish could've been there, but Cas insists they're all happy for them, and everybody's throwing a party of their own up in heaven to celebrate. 

But Dean just can't. He keeps pinching himself throughout the reception, not quite believing that they're here, that they got to this point, that they actually beat God himself and live in a place good enough that Sammy can get married and Cas can stand beside him and pass him more packets of tissues (his trenchcoat was practically lined with them this morning, as if he knew Dean would need them all).

Dean wishes he could stop himself, stop crying, because he's not sad, he's HAPPY. He's so so happy, but his eyes keep betraying him. Cas tries to give him some scientific explanation for how it's normal for him to cry when he feels one emotion so strongly, but Dean waves it off. He doesn't care about the science behind his tear ducts, he cares about the fact that he can now yell to whoever he wants that he has a sister in law that makes his brother eat real bacon.

Damn, does Dean approve of Eileen. He's never liked one of Sam's girls so much. That girl is good for him, and Dean trusts her. He's still pretty shitty at sign language, but he's taking a class for it, and Eileen says he's already better than most, so that's something. Sam picked up the whole language like that, but that's Sam. Kid's always been smarter than him.

They're good together, Sam and Eileen, and watching them be happy with each other makes Dean's heart do all sorts of funky things. Donna tries to tell him that it means he ships them, but Dean doesn't care about that. He has enough traumatic flashbacks of high school musicals and ship names.

His best man's speech makes Sam cry though, so in a way they're even. Eileen forces him to dance with her, and even though he can't remember the last time he danced, he does it and somehow doesn't end up falling on his ass. He makes the DJ play "Come on Eileen" at least three times, just to tease Sam, who is too busy smiling to be annoyed like he normally would.

Cas says he's going against all wedding traditions by eating a slice of pie instead of a piece of the wedding cake, but Dean doesn't really care; pie is better, and he's gonna end up eating Cas's slice anyways, so it's not like he's really missing out. He's still working on Cas's slice when Eileen gathers up people for the bouquet toss. She pulls Cas into the mix for some reason, but the angel doesn't seem to mind. He's fascinated by the tradition and happy to be included.

Dean's pretty sure he's filled a small ocean with his tears by the time the night's over, but he can't help it, he's just so proud, so happy. A vampire could've run into the room and he'd cut off its head and go right back to the dance floor, he's in that good a mood. He doesn't even bother him that much that Sam's probably not gonna ride shotgun on as many hunts now that's he's got a wife. There's literally nothing Dean is worried about today, for the first time in years.

Well, except for the fact that Cas caught the bouquet, so now's he's got one problem, but he'll figure that one out.

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