{SPN} I wrote a Poem

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A/N: I'm not great at poems, so sorry if this sucks

There were two brothers,

Who fought with all their might,

And though they lost their mothers,

They never gave up the fight.

But fighting takes a toll,

One they hadn't known.

And the brothers soon became everything,

They wished that they would not.

The elder brother feared to die,

But grew to greet Death as a friend.

He didn't want to be a monster,

But a demon he became.

A pawn, a soldier, a parent with no children,

No one ever stopped to ask him what he wanted.

But when the time came, and God took those he loved,

All he wanted was revealed when he said

"Bring them back."

And back they came,

But not the same,

For nothing ever was.

He didn't want to become a monster,

But he was born a vessel and a killer.

He took pride in his work,

And as he grew he learned,

But things still stayed bottled up inside.

He smashed down the grief, repressed the love,

Until it all melted into one.

Nearly a vampire, never an angel, but always a hero.

The younger brother had no choice.

Born to be cursed, raised with a burden,

He tried to escape the vengeful path he'd been given.

But curses come back, and grief comes with them.

He could not escape the fate that was written.

The younger brother feared death,

But soon grew to want it.

After deaths of his lovers, his family, his friends,

Between life and death, there was no contest.

But then the brother chose to live,

And he feared becoming the monster they cursed him to be.

So he fought and he fought,

Only for his family to tell him what they really thought.

He never asked to be cursed, never asked to live.

He accepted his losses and moved on with them.

Nothing was bottled up,

Except the fear that he'd become like the ones that he'd hunt.

The brothers feared evil,

They fought the monsters,

And escaped the ones they became.

But the world looked down upon them,

And called them the monsters instead.

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