{ACOTAR} I Want This.

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Since its recently come to my attention that Sarah J. Maas writes fanfiction on her own books, which, I don't blame her, I'd totally do that too, I've decided to make a list of stories in ACOTAR that I want the fanfiction of. Or a book on. A book of all of these would be nice.
Or, you know what? It's just gonna be a rambling of stuff I like/wanna see.

-The tale of Cassian and the Wrecked Building

-The Full Story of Amren, start to finish


-Rhysand's childhood. An entire book of fluff about baby Rhys, him growing up with Mor, Cassian, Azriel, and his sister. Make the deaths of Rhys's mother and sister hurt more, why dont we.

-A detailed meeting between Rhys, Tamlin, and Issac Hale (Feyre's first lover) soooo much arguing.


-Extremely awkward family dinner between Varian and his family with Amren, and then Amren and the Night Court with Varian. I wonder what meeting would be more awkward....

-Feysand baby just being spoiled by EVERYONE. Just imagine Amren being left to babysit small baby Feysand. Comedic GOLD.

-Fluff. Just more fluff. Love da fluff.

-High Lords on a road trip.

-Helion shamelessly flirting with the Inner Circle until somebody gives in.

-Inner Circle Sleepover, complete with a huge pillow fight that at some point includes Cassian standing on Rhys in the middle of the room, screaming with a pillow raised over his head while Feyre and Mor attack each other and Azriel and Amren quietly plot everyone else's downfall in the corner.

-Just, the Inner Circle being a bunch of immature, loveable idiots because I love them and that's all I want for them in life.

-INNER CIRCLE PRANK WAR. It definitely ends with half of them in the hospital after Amren's prank goes terribly wrong, but they're all still laughing anyways

-Feyre keeping her promise and throwing Rhys in the Sidra.

-Rhys and Feyre in a prank war with Cassian and Nesta- Feysand wins after they scare Cassian with Bryaxis so bad the Hewn City hears his screams

-Poker Night, in which Azriel is a poker legend and no one can beat him- until Elain beats him and takes all his money, shocking everyone.

-Halloween in Velaris.

-Some kids getting in a paint fight during an art lesson with Feyre, and she wants to just laugh at them, but Rhys keeps sending images down the bond, reminding her of another time paint went everywhere, and DAMMIT RHYS NOW IS NOT THE TIME

-An actual measuring of the wingspan. All three Illyrians accuse Amren and Mor of rigging it when all of their wingspans turn out to be the same.

-Rhys having to go off on some job and leaving Cassian and Feyre unsupervised all day. When he comes back, the townhouse is green and it looks like they threw a giant party. Neither one of them can tell Rhys what happened because they just burst out laughing to hard every time they try.

-The girls going out to the salon to get their hair and nails done, Cassian and Rhys insisting on coming with and getting their nails painted.

-A competition to see who has the best comeback- it never ends because they're all too sassy.

-Tarquin opening a cabinet in the Summer Court, only to find Feyre hidden inside because "We're playing a SUPER intense game of hide and seek and by the Cauldron, I'M NOT LETTING RHYS WIN THIS TIME."

-Feyre finding some weird human thing that the others have never heard of and she's like ???? HOW have you never heard of this, oh we're so doing it now.

-After a week of boredom, Cassian, Amren, and Mor devise the most extreme board game of all time and force the others to play.

-Inner Circle Game Night

-The entirety of Velaris just being completely used to the Inner Circle and their immature antics. The Hewn City may tremble in fear of Rhysand, but Velaris is like, really? We've seen him parading around in a dress with Cassian and Mor, all of them drunk and singing at the top of their lungs. Forgive us if we're not trembling in terror- AMREN is the one we're scared of.

-Cassian and Rhys's ideas for fun things to do with Feysand baby being immediately shot down by Feyre, Mor, Amren, Lucien, Nesta, and occasionally even Azriel because "No, CASSIAN! YOU CAN'T LAUNCH THE BABY OUT OF A CANNON!" "RHYS, he is TOO YOUNG TO GO GET A TOY BACK FROM THE WEAVER'S COTTAGE!" "NO, HE IS NOT GOING TO PLAY WITH BRYAXIS, BRING HIM HOME RIGHT NOW RHYSAND." "WE'RE REVOKING YOUR BABYSITTING PRIVILEGES."

-That one time Rhys told Feyre that if she kicked Cassian and Azriel out of the house, they'd just sit on the roof, so the one time she actually DOES kick them out, and they end up playing tiddlywinks or cards or something on the roof, bored out of their minds.

Cas: Tiddly.
Az: Wink.
Cas: Do you think she'll let us back in now? Tiddly.
Az: Not a chance. Wink.
Cas: Tiddly. When does Rhys come back? He'll let us in.
Az: No, he'll laugh at us and leave us out here because it's funny. Wink.
Cas: Why do you always have to be right? Tiddly.
Az: Because I'm me. Wink.

-The Feysand son that the Bone Carver looked like getting really interested in sculpting and carvings and Feyre just getting EXTREMELY creeped out.

-Cassian, Az, and Rhys making bets, loser has to go on a blind date with a person of the winner's choice, so Azriel is constantly forced to sit through extremely awkward nights at Rita's while Cassian and Rhys sit in the opposite corner and snicker all night. The one night they forced Cassian to go out with Amren is by far their favorite though.

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