{Random} AO3 Tags....

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So recently I've been doing a lot more fanfiction reading on AO3, and one of the best parts about AO3 is that people tag their works, and the tags are one of the first things you see. That being said, people tend to get carried away with tagging on that site, and thus I've started documenting some of the funniest ones I've come across.

These are all real tags, from various works across various fandoms (Don't ask me which fics specifically cause IDK). Enjoy the following:

-Geese are assholes

-Gay cats gay cats gay cats

-Goose-typical violence

-It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you

-this is literally 1k of lesbian pining and weirdly violent wingmen geese

-How do I tag

-Not in front of my salad

-Don't fuck your doctor

-Unless you really want to

-Im kidding


-Loki does what he wants

-I blame John

-Slavery is apparently cool

-Get ready my dears

-When Steve Rogers swears a fairy dies

-When Steve Rogers gets laid an Eagle is born

-Explains why they're endangered

-Inappropriate use of whipped cream

-I'm sorry

-I'm going to fail my fucking exams because of this website

-I'm doing this in school about an hour before an exam

-I'm going to fail my exam

-I hope you're happy

-Gerard Argent is shit at gifting presents

-Nom Nom human

-We die like fearless geese

-Looney Tunes esque levels of violence towards an animal

-Very British swear words

-Why can't these stupid boys get their heads outta their asses

-He couldn't deal with Mary dying

-So he sold his kids

-The author regrets everything


-Rulers are useful as well

-God's name in vain

-(Not from the spanking)

-You have no idea how long this took

-Just the first chapter

-In all its crappy glory

-Took over a year

-I forgot what I was going to tag

-I write too much foreplay

-Short and shit

-Actual murder

-Someone's gonna get a bollocking

-I should give up while I'm ahead

-Short lived freedom and happiness

-Chocolate and tears are a good idea

-I should include the dogs a whole lot more

-The author regrets being born

-Geese are jerks

-No bastard goose knowledge required

-I seriously regret my life decisions up until now

-I can't believe I wrote this

-What was I thinking?


-Goose in the archives what crimes will it commit

-I'm sleep deprived and this is all I get

-Mental torment

-Halsey songs though

-That's actually a tag and nothing hurts

-Apart from crippling depression

-Goose remix

-God ships it

-Everyone fucking ships it

-Sam and God are the new Batman and Robin

-I do ramble slightly

-The author thinks her opinion is wanted

-She is wrong


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