{TOG} Aelin

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I just finished Crown of Midnight....

And, okay, I know that the fact that Celaena is Aelin is supposed to be a big reveal, but I accidentally spoiled that one for myself already so OOPS.

Because all I knew about TOG before I read it was that there was this ship between Aelin and someone named Rowan (And there's someone named Ferhys or Fenrhys or just something that kinda sounds like a alternate ship name for Feysand)

So I started TOG and I got really confused because I thought the main character of the series was Aelin and instead it was Celaena, who's name I had never seen before, so I'm like who tf is Celaena and why does no one mention her??

So I went on the wiki for Aelin to see when she showed up and found out they were the same.

And then when Aelin was first mentioned in Crown of Midnight, it all made more sense, so oops, plot twist ruined.


Because I want to ship him with her,and I have a feeling I'll like him, but I haven't met him yet! And I liked Chaol and Celaena, but their ship is kinda dead now.

Dorian is awesome though.

And if anything bad happens to Fleetfoot, then somebody better tell me right freaking now because I'm not dealing with another dead dog, I can't do it.

Seriously, the whole fight scene near the end where we find out CELAENA IS ACTUALLY FAE, I did not care if anyone died except for Fleetfoot.

Chaol dead? Fine.

Dorian dead? Nooo, but ok.

Celaena dead? Well there's more books in the series, so that's not gonna happen (um, unless that other potential spoiler I got is true....)

Fleetfoot dead? *cries and dies*


And now I have to wait until I get home to start the next book *sighs and sits through a twelve hour car ride in boredom*

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