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An AU has completely taken over my entire mind. Help.

It's just that I'm running wild with the Domestic AU for some reason, and I CANNOT stop thinking about the idea of Jo, Charlie, Dean, Cas, Sam, and Gabriel all living under one roof (in an AU where they are all humans and Destiel, Sabriel, and Jarlie are all a thing)


And I'm just going to go on a rant about it because why the heck not, this is my random fandom book and I can do whatever the hell I want in here.

So it's like either a Bungalow or Gable front style house, probably white with a big front porch, and the porch has a porch swing and is obviously lined with little Sabriel fairy lights because we can;t live without them.

Sam and Gabriel have the whole basement to themselves, and Dean and Cas have one bedroom upstairs, and Jo and Charlie are across the hall from them, but there's also a spare room and a guest room upstairs. 

And they have a comfy living room and fuzzy carpets and the whole house is cozy and warm and just a perfect little home and they literally have one wall they dedicated to drawing on so it's covered in doodles and fandom stuff and there's a big cake with all of their birthdays on it and every now and then they'll add to it. 

And they have one of those big erasable calendars in their kitchen and everybody has a different color marker for it so that they can keep their schedules' straight (even though they're all gay) and Cas has blue, Dean has green, Charlie has red, Jo has black, Gabriel has orange, and that left Sam with pink. And they all take turns cooking dinner and cleaning and they split all the bills for the house six ways so that way it's cheap for everybody and they can all afford it because while Cas might have a fancy office job, Gabe just works at Burger King or something, Jo is a waitress at the Roadhouse, Charlie is a photographer for a newspaper (don't know why I see her doing that so easily), Dean is a mechanic, and Sam just works part time at a store or something since he's still in Law School. 

But, because I'm a TOTAL WEIRDO WHO LIKES TWISTS, Cas is actually a hitman and the others don't know about it (except Gabe, who found out by accident) so Cas is constantly a little worried that Dean and the others won't like him anymore. 

And they have all these adventures in the house (they name the house Lola, IDK why, they just do) and it's basically an ongoing sitcom in my head at this point, like the gay version of FRIENDS or something.

And they have a big deck on the back of the house so they have barbecues and dance parties and make smores and play board games and are just HAPPY WITH THEIR LIVES ALL THE TIME AND LIKE NOTHING HORRIBLY BAD HAPPENS.

And they have a little cupboard under the stairs, so Jo made it into a little Harry Potter reading nook for Charlie, and sometimes they'll just all sit outside on the porch and talk. The garage is too small for all their cars, but Dean called dibs so when winter hits, he always gets to keep his Baby inside because his car deserves it (even though Sam's car is the most expensive because Charlie drives a crappy yellow gremlin and Cas has a Pimpmobile)

But they're just HAPPY and everything is GREAT and Charlie and Jo get married in the backyard of the house, and Gabe and Sam, high on adrenaline, secretly get married the same day because it's like "Hey, come on, the guy's already here, we might as well" So they stay secretly married for months before Dean and the others finally find out. 

And Charlie and Jo decide to have a baby and they get really sad because they think that means they'll have to move out of the house, but the others all object because "nO WE'RE ALL HAPPY HERE, STAY, YOU LOVE IT, WE LOVE IT AND BESIDES YOUR KID DEFINITELY NEEDS FOUR FATHER FIGURES, LET'S GO"

So they turn the guest room into a nursery and Charlie has a little boy (they name him Rhys because FANDOM REASONS, OKAY) and she and Jo call him a little Jedi and Gabriel practically adopts him because he loves him so much and then we have to sit through all of the boys babysitting because COME ON THAT'S ADORABLE. 

but then Gabriel wants a baby too and Sam says no, so they get a puppy instead, and it's just utter chaos, but it's great because all my lovable idiots are in one place AND JUST IMAGINE THE CHRISTMAS CARD, OKAY. YOU KNOW CAS AND CHARLIE WOULD FORCE THEM ALL TO WEAR HIDEOUS SWEATERS AND POSE FOR A CHEESY PICTURE THAT EVERYONE HATES BUT IT STAYS HUNG UP IN BOBBY'S HOUSE FOR A WHOLE YEAR UNTIL HE REPLACES IT WITH THE NEXT ONE.

And Dean and Cas get married and adopt a little girl (her name varies, sometimes it's Ellie, sometimes it's Lottie, IDK which is better) so they turn the spare room into her bedroom because no one ever wants to move out and her and Rhys grow up as siblings and everyone's such a close knit family that Rhys and Ellie don't even notice or care who's really their parents because it's all just one big adorable mixed family.


Also, come on, just imagine all of them in a group chat or something.

Cas- Guys I'm gonna be home late, can someone else start dinner?

Dean- Can't. Working.

Charlie- Not home, so nope.

Jo- Haha, we're still at Ellen's so you're on your own, boys.

Cas- Sam? Gabe?

Sam- Nope. We're in the hospital.

Dean- Again?

Charlie- What happened this time?

Sam- Gabe thought he could do a backflip off a trampoline onto our bed.

Cas- Oh god.

Sam- He forgot to calculate in the ceiling.

Dean- *facepalms*

Sam- 99% sure he broke his arm.

Jo- Do you have a video?

Sam- My husband yelled at me to come downstairs because he was going to show me something epic he saw on a YouTube video.

Sam- Of course I have a video.


Loving this AU, what can I say. 

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