{SPN} 12X19

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The actual plot of episode 12x19, and no one can tell me differently-

Cas and Dean went on a date at some point, probably to celebrate an anniversary, and Dean gives Cas a mixtape as a present. Cas then starts working with the angels and completely ghosts Dean, leaving the poor Winchester with all kinds of unhappy feelings.

Then Castiel returns to the Winchesters after being gone. Dean is pissed at him, naturally, Sam is 100% done.

Cas attempts to return the mixtape, thinking that since Dean is pissed he'd want the gift back. Dean makes him keep the mixtape because "It's a gift. You keep those." And because, no matter how pissed he is, he still loves Cas.

Sam keeps doing research on Nephilims and Dagon while Dean and Cas have angry sex. Afterwards, Dean goes to talk to Sam and Cas steals the Colt from under Dean's pillow and leaves.

Dean goes looking for Cas to tell them their idea, and is a little more heartbroken when he finds that Cas left again, jilting him.

Sam and Dean are pissed that Cas left and has the Colt, Dean is especially pissed because Cas used him (Actual line- "It was under my pillow. It – I like to keep it close. He came into my room and he played me.") and left, Sam is especially pissed because "I SWEAR TO GOD DEAN'S BOYFRIEND IS  GONNA BE THE DEATH OF ME"

Cas runs off and kidnaps Kelly, Cas becomes Jack's father figure, plot plot plot......

Dean knocks on the door like a furious ex girlfriend demanding his stuff back, Cas just sighs and looks even more done cause he knows he fucked up.

Dean slams Cas against the wall, unsure whether to slap him or kiss him,
"Well, while you were scamming me for the Colt," AKA screwing him.... "Sam put a tracking app on your phone." Because Sam doesnt want to deal with Dean's moping because he doesn't know where Cas is.

"BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE" Protective boyfriend Dean Winchester

Plot plot plot......

*excessive staring*

Dean gives Cas the Impala keys WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT and Cas climbs in the backseat cause he knows where he belongs, Kelly steals the car and Dean gets even more pissed because his lover just stole his car and broke his heart in the same damn day, Cas insists they turn around because DAMMIT KELLY HE'S MAD ENOUGH AT ME TURN AROUND

"I betrayed my friends, my FAMILY-" Say no more, be still my Destiel Heart

Sam immediately asks Dean what's wrong with Cas because he knows his brother is the expert on the angel.

"He can't even see straight" Well no duh, he ain't straight.

plot plot plot......

Cas gets mind controlled by an unborn cinnamon roll, heals Dean because he loves him, Dean begs him not to leave because they're pissed at each other but LOVE and end scene.

Dean was a dissatisfied wife in season 12, change my mind

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