{SPN} Superwholock

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I do not watch Doctor Who or Sherlock, but I swear, if season 15 does not include a SuperWhoLock crossover episode, I will be SO disappointed.

I just spent the last half hour bingeing fanmade trailers for it, so I've linked all of my favorites in the part.

Just imagine it though. It would be the crossover of the CENTURY.

Sam and Dean trying to calmly explain to Sherlock that there is such a thing as the supernatural, Sherlock not buying it until the Doctor crash lands into the room with the TARDIS and proceeds to mess up a thousand things and Sherlock's just like ".....Okay. An angel I can deal with, but can we get rid of this one?"

Not to mention the amount of American vs. British jokes that would go on. Dean 100% on the side of the USA while Sherlock and Watson defend the UK and Cas and Sam wonder why this war got started.

Sherlock vs. Castiel. Battle of the trenchcoats.

Watson vs. Dean. Battle of the blond bisexuals.

Sam and the Doctor. Just being friends.

Maybe we can have it take place in Supernatural's season 12, with the British Men of Letters. Mick Davies ends up being a close friend of Sherlock and Watson's, and they team up with the Winchesters to find him (all hell breaks loose when they discover Mick is dead).

Not to mention Mark A. Sheppard HAS TO BE IN THIS.

Doctor: Canton? Is that you?

Sam: What? No, that's Crowley.

Doctor: What? No-

Crowley: *laughs* So, actually, funny story....

I just really want a crossover episode. 

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