{SPN} Trans Jack AU

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So I got bored and for some reason my brain decided, hey, let's think about what it would be like if on Supernatural, everything was exactly the same except that Jack is MTF trans.

And my mind has been running WILD SO HEAR ME OUT:

-Jack realizing she's trans and not wanting to go by such a masculine name but still wanting to keep the name her mother picked for her, so she decides to go by Jackie.

-Dean making a joke that turns into a nickname, so now he calls her "Jackie O" all the time.

-Jackie being a little scared to come out as trans, mostly to Dean as Sam and Cas are usually very accepting. Turns out she had nothing to be worried about. Sam goes on a whole reassuring spiel about how he's glad she felt that she could trust them with this and that they love her etc. Cas just basically goes "Oh, okay" and then takes her on a shopping spree for new clothes. Dean nods like he was told it was raining and goes on with his day. Jackie confronts him about it later and Dean just shrugs and goes "You're our kid. Doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl or a freaking octopus, you're still our kid." 

-Sam giving her tips on how to manage long hair, Dean throwing a fit over the long hair because of how difficult it is for hunting. He ends up spending hours researching girls hairstyles and shoves a bunch of them at Jackie, trying to persuade her that short hair is better and besides "You'd look cute with a bob cut, don't listen to Sam-"

-They can't afford gender reassignment surgery despite the credit card scams but it doesn't stop Sam and Dean from stealing hormone treatments and Cas from fiddling with his angel magic to see if there's any changes he can make.

-Dean giving advice on what kind of women's underwear is most comfortable, Sam deciding he'd rather drink bleach than know why his brother can give this sort of information.

-Dean getting royally pissed off at the lack of pockets in women's clothing because pockets are pretty essential for the whole hunting thing and NONE OF THE GIRL'S CLOTHES HAVE THEM. Jackie wakes up one night and finds Dean in the middle of the bunker angrily sewing pockets into all her jackets. 

-Rowena being delighted that there's a girl to keep the boys in check and coming over to give fashion advice and teach Jackie how to use makeup and style her hair.

-Cas seeing one of those trenchcoat dresses and buying it for Jackie. She wears it when they're covering as FBI agents cause of how stylish it is.

-Lucifer is weirdly cool with the whole thing and is just as willing to punch out people that insult his daughter as the Winchesters are

-She gets catcalled one time and Sam has to hold Dean back from throwing punches. Dean then remembers how he acted around girls when he was younger and has to sit down and rethink his whole life

-Jackie and Rowena weirdly becoming best friends. Rowena and the Winchesters have literally no idea how it happened but Rowena is willing to kill for her now, so they consider it a good thing.

-Rowena trying to teach her how to seduce men, Jackie saying she's not interested (because idc what universe it is, Jack radiates ace vibes and I don't know why-). Rowena then clarifying that she's gonna teach her how to use feminine charms to her advantage and make the patriarchy work for her, which is advice she happily takes. (She then turns around and tells all the seducing stuff to Eileen so she can use it on Sam. It works.)

-Jackie, Rowena, and Eileen having girls' nights out and Sam, Dean, and Cas have no idea what goes on during them but one night they came home covered in glitter and someone else's blood, so they've decided not to question it.



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