{SPN} Casifer

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You know how a lot of people in the fandom liked Demon Dean, or like other evil versions of Team Free Will.

Well the one I like is Casifer.

I think it's because I already like Misha, but then I also like characters with sass, and there is no one sassier than Lucifer, and then they just went and combined the two.

Also because, I tried to find the memes, but I can't, I saw a thing about how in the scene where Casifer had to deal with Dean, somebody said he specifically stripped down a few layers so that Dean would be too distracted to notice he was acting differently. AND HE DOES THAT A LOT, LIKE SERIOUSLY, CASIFER IS THE ONLY TIME CAS LOSES THE TRENCH COAT other than that one glorious scene in the laundromat, but that's another story.

 AND HE DOES THAT A LOT, LIKE SERIOUSLY, CASIFER IS THE ONLY TIME CAS LOSES THE TRENCH COAT other than that one glorious scene in the laundromat, but that's another story

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Just look at this, he's practically naked by Winchester standards.


I saw a meme once where someone commented on how Lucifer's been in the cage for billions of years and even he knows how gay Dean and Cas are for each other, and it's SO TRUE.

He literally says "Showtime" before answering a call from Dean. He doubles up the puppy eyes, and when he blows his cover to Sam he says "And I'll say, Dean- wait, *lowers voice* Dean *cue puppy eyes*"

I saw another meme where it commented on Lucifer when Dean saw him and he's like , "Great, I gotta deal with the boyfriend now. Ugh, I have to do the voice now too, don't I? Here we go."

Seriously, Lucifer possessing Cas brings out so much Destiel, although I swear to Chuck, season 11 has the most Destiel since season 4.

I JUST LIKED CASIFER, OKAY? I'm glad he's not around anymore, but DAMMIT I CAN'T NOT LOVE IT.

Plus there's that moment you realize it's Lucifer, not Cas, when he's in hell, and he does the face (bottom right image below)

Honestly, if Cas looked at me the way Casifer looked at Rowena in that scene, I'd probably fawn over him even more than Rowena does over Lucifer

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Honestly, if Cas looked at me the way Casifer looked at Rowena in that scene, I'd probably fawn over him even more than Rowena does over Lucifer.

Some people like Demon Dean,

Some people like white suit Sammy,

But I love me some Casifer.

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