{SPN} Jack's Wedding Headcanon

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One day in the future, Jack gets married.

And for the wedding, he makes a request to each of his fathers. For Dean, after so many years of listening to him sing along to the Impala's radio, he asks for Dean to sing a song for them.

And Dean agrees instantly, and Sam and Cas expect him to walk up onstage and karaoke style burst out a loud, off key rendition of some Metallica song, but that's not what happens.

Instead it's Dean, with an acoustic guitar and none of the band, who walks on the stage and he actually looks a little nervous as he adjusts the mic and sits down.

But then everyone is silenced as he starts to play and sing Simple Man, and he actually sounds really good.

And Sam is awed, Cas is proud, and Jack just smiles, because without even asking, Dean did exactly what he wanted.

And the whole audience bursts out clapping once the song ends, and Dean gives a little smile, a real, shy one, and gets the biggest hug of his life from Jack.

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