{Good Omens} Easter Egg

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Finally got around to watching Good Omens, and IT WAS AMAZING!!

Crowley and Aziraphale are the BEST!! And I completely ship them because they're totally an old married couple, but moving on!

In the last couple episodes, I caught a couple Easter Eggs.

The first, the more obvious, is that the guard outside the Airbase was reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman, which is just ironic.

And then there's the more difficult one to spot, but for some reason I saw it immediately. Whether this was intentional or not, I find it hilarious.

When Adam's dad pulls up in the airbase in his car, you clearly see his license plate, which reads:


Sidrat, spelled backwards, is TARDIS.

Good Omens casts David Tennant, who is widely known for playing the tenth Doctor.


Also, I can't help but compare Crowley and Gabriel to their characters in Supernatural. Crowley is basically right on the nose, which is hilarious, but Gabriel is not nearly the same.

Except for ONE line in the last episode which he would totally say in SPN too-

"I'm the archangel fucking Gabriel"

Totally happened.

But seriously, Good Omens is AWESOME

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