(TAG) I'm dumb

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It's been awhile since I've done a tag, and except for the actual tagging part, I like them just cause I love answering questions, so here we go.

It's been awhile since I've done a tag, and except for the actual tagging part, I like them just cause I love answering questions, so here we go

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1. Hmmmmm- I have never broken a bone, but I have sprained the same ankle and skinned the same knee by falling the same way on two very different occasions. Neither time was fun.

2. Ice cream, or my latest addiction, apricot rugelach (ruggelach? No one seems to agree on the spelling)

3. I would say Harry Potter, as it's the first fandom I acknowledged being in after learning of fandoms existence, but really? It was Dora the Explorer. I was obsessed. I had an unholy amount of merch. I was like three, but that doesn't really matter.

4. I have friends! A decent amount of them too! My closest friends though, are Sunny, Mage, Becaw, and Moonstar and no, those are not their real names.



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6. It depends on the day, but my usual addictions seem to be Destiel, Ineffable Husbands, and Feysand

7. December 11th, so it was recently yay!

8. Spiders, Death, Bouncy Castles, Beehives, and all other kinds of bugs

9. Ok it's past 1:30 in the morning, there's no way in hell you're getting a selfie right now, so here's my senior picture because I actually look good in that.

 Ok it's past 1:30 in the morning, there's no way in hell you're getting a selfie right now, so here's my senior picture because I actually look good in that

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