{OTP} Imagine your OTP

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I'm on a mini road trip and listening to music, so my mind has wandered and I figured I'd share some imagine you OTP stuff I happened to think of.

-Imagine your OTP jumping on their bed, like a pair of goofy five year olds. Imagine the smaller one of the two absolutely drowning in one of the other's T-shirts, but refusing to wear anything else as pajamas. Imagine them putting on their favorite song, and holding onto each other's hands as they jump on their bed and Person A starts singing along to the song until Person B slips and falls back onto the bed, and then they're both laughing hysterically, and Person A pauses in singing to drop to their knees and make  sure they're okay while still laughing. Person B reaching up to pull A in for a kiss, their favorite song keeps playing as they start making out on the bed, purely happy.

-Imagine Person A, the shyer one of your OTP, attempting (and failing beautifully) to do a sexy dance for Person B, but Person A can't really take it seriously, so they keep bursting out laughing before attempting to do the sexy dance again and they're just making a fool of themselves but doesn't really care cause they're so comfortable with B. Person B, meanwhile, is frozen in their chair watching, unsure of what to do because they want to laugh but at the same time Person A looks really fuckin hot-

-Imagine your OTP getting caught in an unexpected blizzard and getting snowed in their car so they have to huddle for warmth. Imagine them singing and bullshitting and laughing until help arrives

-Imagine your OTP on a road trip

-Imagine Person A of your OTP showing up at B's home and blindfolding them and insisting they have a surprise. A takes a confused yet excited B to a run down looking house, only for B to find out that A bought the house for them so that they could fix it up and live there together.

-Imagine your OTP fixing up and decorating their first home together. All the arguments about how to build the furniture, Person A brings home these god awful curtains but they go up anyways because A likes them and B makes a mental note to 'accidentally' destroy them later.

-Imagine your OTP painting their bedroom and then having it turn into a giant paint war which ends with them covered in paint and making out against the wall (they still manage to paint most of it, only without brushes)

-Imagine your OTP getting caught in the rain while on a vacation together, and they end up soaking wet in a hotel room, and they're both freezing and the hot water only lasts a sort time, so they decide to take a bath together and oh look, the bathtub is the perfect size for both of them-

-Imagine Person A of your OTP accidentally breaking Person B's nose somehow (football to the face, accidentally smacked them really hard while flailing about excitedly about something, etc.) Person A losing their mind cause they feel so guilty so they shower B with affection and gifts. Person B insisting that it's fine since it was an accident, but people still keep asking what happened to his nose so A refuses to accept that it's fine and keeps feeling guilty until B's nose is all better.

-Imagine your OTP going to visit that one relative of Person A's that HATES A for one reason or another, and A hates back just as much. Person B thinking that the visit will be fine cause they know A can fight their own battles, yet the second the relative makes a mean comment towards A, B just goes completely feral and loses it. Person A just facepalms but is secretly really happy to watch B beat up their enemy.

-Imagine your OTP having a game night with their friends, and one of the games is a trivia one about each other, and your OTP wins in a landslide because they know basically everything about each other and "of course I know when your first cat's birthday was B, how would I not know that?"

-Imagine your OTP in a car with a sunroof, and Person A decides to climb up and lean out the sunroof with their arms stretched out while Person B drives. B is happy to see A having fun, but is also really worried they're gonna get decapitated or something so "Can you please come down now?"

Just- All good things

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