OTP Prompts Cause I'm Tired and Bored

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It's 11:00, I am tired, but I am also stubborn and refuse to go to bed, so have some things for you to imagine your OTP with.

-Imagine someone very important in Person A's life (A parent, parental figure, siblings, etc.) inviting A and B over for dinner because they want to finally meet B and lightly interrogate them to make sure they're good enough for A. B spends ages agonizing over the dinner, despite A's insistence that everything will be fine. What happens at the dinner tho?

-Imagine your OTP getting engaged in an overly romantic, adorable way that makes you ugly sob in a corner

-Imagine your OTP getting engaged in a very nonchalant, casual way and them acting like giddy toddlers because they're downplaying something that's supposed to be such a big deal and also because THEY JUST GOT ENGAGED WHAT-

-Imagine Person A recruiting their friends to help them buy a wedding ring for B, only to hide the ring box in a very predictable place that they don't think B will look in, like a sock drawer. But then B looks there anyway and accidentally finds the ring. Imagine 1- A scenario where they don't say anything or 2- A scenario where they admit to A that they found the ring, and A is a little sad because their proposal won't be a surprise anymore, but they roll with it and just end up proposing to B in the middle of their conversation cause why not

-Imagine Person A finding out a huge secret B has been keeping from them. Bonus points if the secret is something that changes everything about their relationship

-Imagine their wedding. Imagine them cutting the cake, their first dance, the speeches, them sneaking off to make out during the reception while everyone else is distracted....

-Imagine them trying to throw a backyard birthday party for their five year old

-Imagine them trying to make a long distance relationship work

-Imagine Person A has been in a car accident. They're fine, but they have to call Person B to come pick them up and explain what happened. B refuses to believe A is actually fine until they dive out of their car and full on sprint their way over to A and give them a huge hug and can see for themselves. Bonus points if this happens at night so the phone call wakes B up or if there's tears involved.

-Imagine Person A is an artist, and they often get so engrossed in their work that they forget to take care of themselves so B makes a point to leave food and water at their work station until one day they go to deliver food and find A fast asleep on the floor, surrounded in artwork of nothing but B and A and B together (some have to be scandalous, naturally. Since when do people wear clothes in museum worthy paintings? They usually don't so like, feel free to run with that, you won't regret it)

-Imagine a terrible person forces Person A to choose between the future they've always wanted for themselves or Person B. B spends the whole night explaining to A that it's okay for them to choose their future, that they understand and just want A to be happy, only for A to choose B without hesitation. How does B react? What is the terrible person's response?

-Imagine Person A finding out that Person B still talks to their ex and has purposefully not said anything about it.

-Imagine a third person hitting on Person A, and Person B's reaction. Now imagine if the roles were switched, and B was the one being flirted with.

-Just a bunch of settings for you to run with in any number of scandalous ways: A bar bathroom, a wall, a closet, a bed, a bathtub, in the rain, a hotel room, the house they just bought

-Imagine their first night living together

-Imagine them moving in with each other

-Imagine them brainstorming names for their future kid and/or pet

-Imagine they get cornered in a dark alley. Who protects who? Who jumps in front of the reckless one to save them, and at what cost? Bonus points if someone gets hurt because ah, angst

-Imagine Person A trying to break up with Person B because they are sick or something and don't want to hold B back from living their best, worry free life. B, of course, is having none of that, and will not be going anywhere.

-Imagine them trying to explain their relationship to a couple's counselor. Imagine them in couple's counseling. Why are they there?

-Imagine them fighting and then for you smutty people out there, I have 3 words- Make. Up. Sex.

Ok I'm really tired now, it's 11:35, so imagine your OTP getting ready for bed and falling asleep in each other's arms, Bonus points for those lil top of the head kisses when they're all snuggled up with each other, goodbye

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