{SPN} Theory of Season 15

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So, as of the season 14 finale SPOILERS, we know that Chuck, the mega dick, released all the souls from hell.

Soooo that means all the people that have made demon deals and died are coming back right?

And all demons.

That includes Bela, and probably a bunch of other people I'm forgetting.


is was Lucifer's Cage included in that mass breakout?

Because Michael and Adam have been in there for like 10 seasons. So what if Michael gets released and ends up being on the Winchester's side? 

Or what if in whatever deal Jack is making with the Empty and Death, they bring back Lucifer too. (I'm like 99% positive that Crowley, my King, is coming back so YASSSS CROWLEY, SOLVE THE DEMON ISSUE, ALL HAIL THE KING) 

The whole apocalypse arc was about Michael and Lucifer fighting each other, and forcing Sam and Dean to fight each other as well. But what if now, it's different?

In the earlier seasons with Sam and Dean, they always argued about their dad. Sam thought he was bad, Dean thought he was good, they switched and swapped on and on because Daddy issues and stuff like that.

Michael and Lucifer are the same way. Lucifer was cast out for loving their father too much, he grew to hate him, whereas Michael stayed indifferent.

So what if now, after so long in the cage, Michael has grown to hate Chuck too, and now he and Lucifer are once again on the same side? They resurrect Lucifer, Michael's out of the cage, and they take down Chuck, possibly using the Winchesters as vessels.

What if the whole prophecy for the Winchesters and the apocalypse is still happening, but now instead of Lucifer fighting Michael, it's both of them against Chuck?

Maybe the reason the apocalypse didn't work the first time is because they got the vessels wrong. Sure, Sam was chosen for Lucifer because of demon blood and all that, but the more I think about it, the more Lucifer and Dean kinda have in common.

Dean was a loyal soldier to John.

Lucifer was a loyal soldier to Chuck.

They were both loyal, but they were both cast out by their fathers, who preferred something else. Chuck wanted the humans more, and John liked Sam better.

They grew to resent their fathers.

Same thing with Sam and Michael.

They were loyal, but not as much. As evident by Apocalypse World, both Michael and Sam went out and did their own thing, but they eventually came back and tried to win their father over. But the father left, in one way or another.

So maybe this time, Michael possesses Sam, Lucifer possesses Dean (completing the trio of all of Team Free Will being possessed by Lucifer) and they take out Chuck, Jack, I assume, taking his place.

But because my source on all things Supernatural says that the show ends with Cas standing in a graveyard, crying and saying he's sorry, maybe something goes wrong in the fight and Sam and Dean die, and heaven falls or something and he is unable to bring them back or see them again, so he ends up being the last one of Team Free Will left.


What if the last thing we see in the show is Cas driving away from their graves in the Impala, because we've never seen him drive it, and he vows to keep the Family Business going.


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