For the Readers

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  To my readers, if you made it this far, you have finished the book. I want to thank every single reader for stumbling upon this book and taking time to read it. Now that I have gotten that out of the way, I can fully say, this book is shit. I thoroughly love reading the comments about this book. Because for the most part, you guys are reacting to the characters and the plot. But I will say this book was absolutely cringey. When reading over this, I take it with a grain of salt. Mostly because it was written in 2015, the very peak of Tumblr. I was very young and bluntly, bullshitting the entire novel.

  Somehow, a little over 400,000 people (give or take.) didn't mind reading it for what it was. Everyday, I see commenting about the characters and the shit that goes down in this story. And you guys honestly are so engaged in this dumpster fire of a Wattpad story.

  But I'm considering a reboot. All the same characters and the same bet. But this time, the plot will be new and improved. Something that will be easy to digest than this original story. I plan to clear a lot of things up, most importantly what happened to Liam. The characters will definitely have an upgrade, such as making them POC. As a writer of color, I neglected that completely. So, there could be a change of looks and features. And no, Adam's lip ring will not be included this possible reboot. We are going to leave that here. But Kendall and Adam as well as the rest of these characters are returning.

Hearing what you guys have to say would be great.


- J.J. (also changed my alias) 

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