Chapter 65

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"The Smallwood supermarket is now closed. Please come back soon." The monotone voice echoed around the large market.

"Finally." I whispered. I kneed my way out of the tote with a large clash. I felt cool air surround me. The whole supermarket seemed asleep. The lights were down and only the street lights bringing in dim light. I gazed at a figure jump down from one of the shelves.

"I thought they would never close." Hayden said with annoyance drowning his tone.

Then I heard another sound of what seemed like a tote. I whipped my head around to see a lid pop open. I saw a girl's figure climb out of plastic container.

"No one told you hide in the pad and tampons aisle Hayden." Jess said with just amount of annoyance.

I shook my head slightly. "Why would you ever hide in the period aisle?" I asked as I cracked my neck.

"Because little did I know a girl was going to talk about her flow at twelve in the morning. What the hell is a flow anyways?" Hayden ranted.

"Nothing for you to be stressed about." Jess answered.

"Kendall." I heard a small voice call. I turned around to see what looked like Mia.

I walked over to the figure. "Mia you alright?"

"Y-yeah..I'm great."

I looked down at her hands. They were trembling.

"If you were going to be afraid to do this then shouldn't have came along Mia." I sighed. She wasn't cut out for this. She couldn't handle the stress of it all. She was the innocent one.

"No I'm fine really." Mia nodded her head.

"Hey where is everybody!" I heard Callie yell. I know she was over the moon and back. I heard rushed footsteps come closer.

"Callie slow down we are in the dark we could hurt ourselves!" Reagan scolded.

"We're over here!" Hayden called out. I felt something behind me so I turned around. Andrew was towering over me. Eating a candy bar.

"When did you get the candy bar?" I asked.

"When I when I got to the checkout counter." He answered with a shrug.

"I am so excited!" Callie squeaked.

"Really!" Hayden squeaked sarcastically. I laughed softly before biting down on my lip. I don't think Hayden will ever get over Callie's everlasting perkiness.

"Callie did you take your pills?" I asked.

"Nope." She giggled.

"She has pills?" Hayden asked in disbelief.

"You're trying to tell me we have pills to shave off some of her..Callieness?" Jess asked.

"She has ADHD pills but she doesn't take them." Reagan sighed. Callie giggled running over to Mia. She spun her around and began dancing with her. Mia seem a little limp. She seemed like a rag doll in the girl's arms.

"Mia be at least a little excited!" Callie pouted.

"Sorry.." Mia mumbled.

I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"Everyone's here now." I rolled my eyes slightly. "Hi Adam." I grinned softly.

"Hey gorgeous." Adam whispered in my ear. He placed his lips on my cheek softly.

"If you guys are done-" Hayden rolled his eyes. "We should have a bit of fun. Let's spread out." He instructed.

We all split up. Andrew and Callie zoomed to the direction of the candy aisle. Mia and Reagan walked over to the book section of all places. Hayden disappeared during the separation.

"I'm gonna be in the music department if you guys need me.." Jess said before walking away.

Leaving me and Adam in the aisle.

"Adam are you sure this is a good idea? What if we get caught or something?" I sighed softly. I looked around the vacant aisles.

"We're not going to get caught Ken. We never do. We're just going to spend the night in a grocery. Live a little." He urged. I could feel his smile on me. I glance at the figure in the dark. I wasn't all together sure how I got caught up in this. But I guess that doesn't matter now.

"Fine. Let's go exploring." I smiled slightly.

Adam laughed and interlaced his hand with mine. I let out a soft groan as he dragged me through the aisle.


I sat there looking off into space. I wasn't scared. It was almost the shock of it all. I gazed at the window shield feeling like I was going down a never ending road.
My body felt warm all over but it an overwhelming feeling. A weird feeling set in my rib cages. Anxiousness. Complete and utter anxiousness.

I closed my eyes without haste. I steadied my breathing slowly. My jaw was so clenched you would guess it was bolted together. I sat in the vehicle trying to make all of this reality.

It was cramped and tight. I almost couldn't move my lower half.

"Kendall we'll be fine.." Adam whispered in my ear softly. I stiffen up at his words as he took my hand in his. Our handcuffs jingled together as he held my hand and squeezed it. I glanced at him slowly. He looked sincere about the whole thing.

I looked back at the metal wire wall that was separating us and the two officers in the vehicle. Almost like we were quarantined species. Their coldness and boredness about the situation had me puzzled. But I guess the police aren't suppose to care. Blue and red lights surrounded the streets. They were bright and attention setting.

Why was that so necessary?
We weren't killers. Merely trespassers. Very thoughtless trespassers. I looked over at the neighboring squad cars. There were exactly four. Two of each holding my friends against their will.

"We are so screwed." I finally uttered.

Wow. A whole four months. That's crazy. I am so sorry I haven't published a single word since October. That is unacceptable. I don't even know if I still have any readers left. Oh my gosh. Alright well here's a chapter for anyone that is out there.



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