Chapter 6

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(👆👆Reagan is above I'll be doing this with the rest of the cast btw👆👆)

I walked in my science class and plopped down in my seat. I laid down my supplies to be prepared.

Adam walked in with his bored eyes. He looked like he just rolled out of bed. Messy brown hair all over the place. He was wearing a grey v-neck shirt and a leather jacket but not the cliche kind. It was simple. When he sees me a mischievous smile curls on his face. Some of the girls were practically drooling over him. But he was only looking at me. He lazily strolled over to his seat next to me.

"Watch this." Adam nudges me. He glances at a girl and she notices that he was looking at her. He winks at her and heat rushes to her cheeks. Then she writes something down really fast and passes it to Adam.

He opens the small piece of paper which assumingly has a number on it. He shows me trying proving me wrong. I sarcastically applauded him for his small achievement. He sticks his tongue out like a little kid and in response I repeated the action.

"Now how come you're not that easy? You can make life a better place if you weren't so stubborn." He said simply. I looked at him like he was an idiot. Oh wait. Breaking news. He is an idiot.

"Because you have to win my affection but not by a single wink. I'm what you player's call hard to get. I'm a rare species in the fuckboy manual." I explained.

He laughed. "Do have anything to say about that little sunt you pulled this morning?" He looked at me with a raised brow. A smile curved around my mouth just thinking about it.

"What stunt? I don't know what you're talking about." I said innocently. Adam leaned forward to my ear.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I must warn you it's not good to tease me." He whispered. The lust was solid in his threat. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"What's the matter? Don't you like a challenge?" I asked with a smirk.

Adam was about to say something else but Mr. Howard walks quickly to the black board. "Okay class let's get ready for our chemistry experiment." He clapped his hands together. The class did what they were was told.

"You know the procedures. You guys may get started." Mr. Howard nodded.

Adam leaned into the table looking down at the preparations. "So what do we do?"

"It's pretty simple we're going to add baking soda, vinegar, a few drops of dish soap, and food coloring." I answered.

He laughed. "So we're making a volcano?"

I rolled my eyes. He thinks so basic."No we need to write down information of how all these elements work together." I answerd in a 'duh' tone. I put on my personal goggles which are way better than the ones they have at school. I started to measure the vinegar.

He rolled his eyes and started measuring the baking soda. "Mr. Foster. Goggles." Mr. Howard reminded as he past by.

Adam had this exasperated look one his face and put on his goggles with a sigh. I turn to look at him he looked like he had two Easy Bake ovens on his face. I tried to stifle a laughed but I couldn't. Adam scowled at me in response.

"You look sexy Adam." I smirked.

"Shut up." He commanded.

I laughed and I poured the vinegar in a clay volcano then Adam mixed in the baking soda "So I was thinking you want to go see a movie?" He asked.

"Stop." I said.

"Stop what? Come on Kendall you have to give me a chance!" He sighed.

"No Adam stop! You're pouring in all the baking soda-" I yelled. Then all the sudden the miniature volcano spurts onto the ceiling. But gravity has to do it's part. I put my hoodie over my head and covered myself. My hoodie was soaked from the mini volcano.

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