Chapter 32

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(Adam's POV)

"Can someone please explain to me why I have to take dance lessons?" I asked boredly. Callie was dragging me into a small dance studio. For the past few days I've been stuck with Callie, Reagan, and Mia.

We walked into a small room with mirrors surrounding the walls with sunlight resting on the floors. There were one of those inspiration posters and a few fliers about dance. Mia and Reagan were waiting for us.

"Adam can you dance?" Callie interrogated me.


Reagan got up out of her seat and laughed dryly. "Kendall has been dancing for five years in contemporary and ballroom dancing. We have five days to get you ready if we want to pull this off."

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. There's no way I can pull this off by Friday. There's a whole lot more than dancing that I needed to do.

"Adam don't worry you're be great." Mia assured. I gave her half smile. Mia face blushed a light shade of pink. She's adorable. I chuckled a little then she looked down at the ground trying hide her blushed face.

"Well as we love to stay and watch you fail miserably Mia and I have to pick up a few tuxs for homecoming. Let's go Mia."

"Coming!" She squealed. Mia scurried to the nearest exit.

"You guys are leaving me?"

"You'll be fine here with Reagan." Callie laughed. "Bye!" She said then slammed the door behind her.

"Okay lets get started." Reagan clasp her hands together. "We just going to try a simple ballroom dance it shouldn't be that hard."

"Don't worry Adam I don't bite." Reagan's deep blue eyes had a speck of mischief hiding in there.

She dragged me to the middle of the room. She guided my hand to her waist and my other hand on hers. "The gentlemen always leads. You're going to go forward as I'm going backwards. Got it?" She asked.

"Sure," I replied.

I went fowards as she went backwards.
"Backwards. Backwards. Forward. Forward. Backwards." I tried to keep up as she instructed.

"Okay you seem to go the hang of that part. So now we're going go side to side."

"Left. Right." She instructed. I went left and right. "Left. Left. Right. Left." I did as she told me and followed the pattern.

"Great. Now we're going to combine what I just taught you."


"Alright. Back. Left. Front. Right. Right. Back. Left." Reagan commanded. I reapted the instructions swiftly.

"You're doing great Adam." Reagan complimented.


"But we barely started."

Great. Just great.


"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! One! Two! Three! Four! Keep up! Five! Six!" Regan commanded. I spun her around twice and whipped her back towards me. Then we travled across the room "Remember the big finish!" She barked. I nodded and spun her around three times then whipped her back to me and dipped her back. "You hesitated on the dip. We have to start all over." Reagan shooked her head. My eyes widen at her.

"If I didn't know any better I would think you were trying to kill me.." I panted in exhaustion.

"If I was going to kill you I would have to use my hands." She winked. "Okay let's get started."

"A five, six, seven, eight! Begin the routine one more time and no hesitation!" Reagan ordered. I began to begin the routine once more!

"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Prepare for the dip. No hesitation!" She added. I reapeated the routine once more and finished with the big finish. Breathe heavily as I was waiting for her response. Reagan analyzed me as I held her in that pose.

"Okay I think we're done for the day."

"Thank god!" I gasped and let her go. Everything from my stomach down everything was sore. I sweating everywhere and it was hot in the room so I was practically baking.

Then all the sudden I heard clapping. "Go Adam!" I snapped my head in the direction of the voices. Callie and Mia were clapping.

"When did you guys get in?" I asked.

"About three minutes ago. I told you that were going to do great." Mia smiled. I saw something glitter in her blue eyes that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Where were you guys?" Callie asked.

"What do you mean? we were here for the past two hours." I gave them a questioning look.

"Both of you were supposed to meet us at the tailors in the mall so we could have your tux altered."

"Reagan didn't-" I stopped myself. It finally clicked in.

"Reagan you were supposed to teach him the basics. What have you guys been doing all day?" Callie asked.

Reagan backed away from us a little bit with a grin on her face. "I taught him how to waltz." She said quietly.

"Rea! You were just suppose to teach him to slow dance with a few little tricks on the side. Not teach him how to waltz! You were suppose to me us at the mall an hour ago." Callie laughed.

"Are you trying to tell me that I'm sore and sweaty for nothing?" I exclaimed.

"I wanted you to learn some extra stuff.." Reagan said sheepishly.
I heard the girls snickering from behind me.

"That's it you're getting a hug!" I yelled.

Regan backed away from me "Hell no! You're sweaty!" She said.

"That's the whole point!"
I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her body. She squealed as I squeezed her tightly.

I let her go and smirked. " I have your sweat all over me!" She whined.

I heard Mia and Callie cackling from behind me. "You guys are getting one too just for laughing!"

"Noo!" They said in unison. I wrapped my arms around both of them and they let out mini screams.

They grumbled and whined as I let them go. I chuckled a little "Serves you right!"


"Now I have to take a shower when I get home." Callie grumbled. She shot me a glare as she climbed in her car and I just smirked at her.

"You'll be fine." I smiled.

She rolled her eyes at me and shut the car door in my face. Reagan rolled down her window "Sorry for torchuring today.." Reagan smiled.

"Don't worry about it."

I saw Mia's face pop up out of nowhere "Don't forget that you have to meet us tomorrow for the tux fitting! Oh and by the way grow some facial hair." She ordered as Callie drove out of the parking space.

I gave a confused look. "Why?" I asked.

"Just do it!" They all said in unison. Then they sped away leaving me in the parking lot alone. I chuckled to myself.

I think those girls are growing on me a little.

Aww..Adam likes the girls. I made it this way because when I read romance novels I very rarely see when the love intrests also hangs out with the friends as well. I didn't want Callie, Reagan, and Mia to become transparent in the book because these were Kendall's best friends and it wouldn't make any sense if they were just in just a few chapters. I wanted them to stand out just as much as Kendall and Adam. Also, We have reach the half way mark to 1k. That's exciting maybe we'll make it to 1k sooner than I thought. Yay..

Much love💕


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