Chapter 11

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I open my eyes to sunlight and Rowan, Mia, and Callie were shuffling around grabbing their things.

"Hey guys where are you going?" I yawned. I turned on my phone and my finger accidentally slid on my snapchat I saw myself and almost cried. My hair was shot out from different sides. I look like hell with skin.

"Sorry Ken we have to leave there's a sale going on for homecoming dresses and it's only for four hours." Rowan explained. Only four hours? You'd think they would have enough time. They grabbed the rest of their things and walk out.

Aren't they wonderful?

"We love you!!" They shouted in unison.


I stumbled over to the kitchen. They took everything. The chips, the soda, all of it. Gone. I looked to my right and spotted a jar of nutella.

They didn't take everything.

I strolled upstairs to check on Aiden.

I walked up to his door there were signs that said keep out. But I don't think that applied to me so I just walked in. Aiden's room is the most organized room in the house. Every piece of clothing is in a certain drawer. Every video game is on a shelf. Every book is stacked in alphabetical order. Not a single hair was out of place. Aiden sat there at his desk. His brown hair was sticking out every which way. He was typing away on his laptop. Aiden's expression was serious and focus.

I let myself in slowly I sat on his bed watching him go to work. I was going to scared him.

"What do you want Ken?"

I frowned. "How did you know it was me?"

"Because I can smell your perfume when you walked in."

"I'm not wearing perfume."

"Maybe you've wore it so much that it got stuck on you."

Maybe he's right.
I've been wearing the same scent for five years.

"You wanna hang out?" I asked. He never does look away from his laptop.

"I can't I'm working on a project and where are your friends?"

"Dress shopping." I said annoyed. People make a huge deal over one little dance that no one will remember. I'm bored and have no one to hang out with.

"Figures. I need to get his project finished."

That's my cue to leave.

"Okay I'm going to get dressed and do something."

"Don't hurt yourself."

And with that I walked out of his room.

I did my daily routine and got in the shower. I usually take long showers they're relaxing and I don't have to worry about my problems for the next thirty minutes.

When I got the shower I took a look at myself in the mirror. For a body I was pretty average. I'm a size C in a bra size and my hips weren't wide like I want them to be. My butt I couldn't complain it wasn't small but it wasn't huge.

I got dressed and plopped down on my bed. An hour later I hear the doorbell ring.

"I'LL GET IT!" I shouted. Finally some excitement I was bored as hell.

I zipped downstairs I opened the door. Reveling Adam's face.

"Ugh." I slammed the door in his face. I was excited for nothing. I don't even know why I opened the damn door.

"Come on Kendall open the door.."

"Give me one good reason."

"Because I'm a huge prick and I  feel bad about hurting you."

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