Chapter 49

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The dismissal bell rang for second period. Adam, Aiden and I walked out of Mr. Howard's room.

"I need to go to my next class I'll catch you guys later." Aiden said turning away from us.

"Later Aiden." Adam grinned.

"I'll see you at home." I said.

Adam wrapped an arm around me as we walked down the hall. I was quiet for a second. "Are you still mad about Carly Summners being my partner?"

"I'm not mad about it. I'm just not loving it Adam."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because maybe she's a thot Jr. and breaks out into a fit of giggles talking about frog intestines! What could possibly be so funny about a frog's stomach?" I rolled my eyes.

Adam stopped me in my tracks and grabbed my shoulders. "Kendall nothing is going or will happen with Carly Summners or the rest of these girls at school. I only have eyes for you." He said firmly.

I sighed and looked into his eyes.

"Alright I trust you." I nodded. I can't really help but look over my shoulder sometimes. I'm dating the former fuckboy of the school. It's not easy to think that he won't cheat on you. Especially when there's girls crawling at every corner.

"Thank you." He pecked my lips. "You want me to walk you to class?" Adams offered.

"No I'm perfectly capable to walk myself class." I laughed.

"Alright I'll see you at lunch." He smiled.

"Okay." I began to walk away.

"What? No goodbye kiss?"

I turned around with an annoyed look on his face. "Are we going to be that couple?"

"What couple?"

"Where I have to kiss you each time I leave for a class period." I answered.

Adam rolled his eyes playfully.  "Why do you have to be so difficult?"

"Why do you have to be such a cliché?" I shot back. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him swiftly and kissed me.

"You act like this is a chore."

I playfully glare at him and kissed his lips. "Can I go now?" I smirked.

"Yes you may."

"Finally!" I fake sighed in relief. I moved away from him and to my next class. I looked back to Adam with a glare on his face. I laughed and kept walking.


I walked down the hallways on my way to lunch with Reagan.

"Lunch is going to be different today." I said looking down at the floor.

"Yeah it's going be much larger than before.."

"I mean are you okay with this? I don't anyone asked you your opinion."

Reagan sighed. "'s Something that's new and it hasn't been done." She said quietly.

"I think that's what people call original Rae." I smirked.

"Smart ass."

"Over achiever." I shot back.

"Under achiever." She glared playfully.

"Girl scout." I grinned.

"Take that back!" She pushed me into the lockers. I couldn't help but laugh.

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