Chapter 33

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"Kenny!" I heard someone called. I leaned against the wall and hugged my knees.

"Kenny!" I heard the voice call again. I stayed as quiet as I could then I felt a tingling sensation in my nose and I tensed up then sneezed quite loudly. I slapped my hand over my mouth as I heard footsteps climbing up the tree house. Then the escape hatch opened and revealed Liam's face.

"Kendall where've you been I've been calling your name for the past five minutes! The birthday party is about to start."

I ringed a strand of hair around my finger. I looked out the hand made window and gazed at the balloons and fancy elegant tablecloths.

"That isn't a birthday's nothing but a show." I glared at the setting. I scratched at my thigh through my stupid dress.

"Ah come on Ken it's not that bad." Liam laughed. He climbed into the tree house and plopped himself on a bean bag. I raised an eyebrow at him as if saying you're kidding right?

"This isn't for us Liam it's just for mom to show us off to her friends at the country club" I rolled my eyes in annoyance and disgust.

"It's only for a few hours. Pleaseee's our birthday.. We're only going to be ten once." He pouted. I crossed my arms and looked out the window once more. I saw my mother's friends walk in the backyard. I sighed and looked away my gaze set to Liam's face.

"Fine!" I groaned.

A charming smile curled on his face. "Thank you." He said sweetly. I raised up from my corner and open the escape hatch.

"Shut it." I threated. I climbed down the latter slowly making sure I don't fall.

I jumped off at the last few steps. I looked up waiting for Liam to come down. "Aren't you coming!" I shouted.

"Yeah I'll be down in a second!" He shouted back. I groaned dramatically and turned on my heels and began to walk away. I felt a slight pinch in my heels. I glared at my heels and took off my shoes.

I strolled into the setting looking around. There was nothing but purple and yellow decorations. I don't think I've never hated the color more than I do now. Balloons swayed a little in the wind some lightly bumped into each other. There was purple and yellow party hats cascade in a row. I ran my hand gently against the white pristine chairs. Sets of purple bellflowers and yellow daffodils were set up side by side on the dull red brick walkway. I inspected the banner tied around two trees that said 'Happy 10th Birthday Kendall and Liam!' In purple.

Why this woman chose purple and yellow for the color scheme was beyond me. I frowned at the banner and kicked a mini pebble around.

I looked to my right and there was a cake sitting on the end of the decorated table. I looked around to check if anyone was coming. I quickly made my way to the cake. It had purple icing with tiny perfected edible pearls. I took one last look and I slowly leaned my finger into the cake but I felt someone's hand grabbed mine swiftly.

I raised head up to find my mother gazing down at me. "Kendall your guest haven't even arrived yet and you're trying to stick your hands in the cake." I focused my attention on her outfit. She was wearing a classy peach pants suit with a hat with a big peach flower to match. It was way too over the top for a party of this caliber. "And put back on your heels the guest will be here any minute!"

"You act like we're visiting the queen of England and having tea. These aren't my guest they're yours." I gave her a bored tone. Aiden scrambled in the backyard. He was wearing a little suit and tie to match the color scheme of the decorations.

Of course. Aiden pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "What have you done to Aiden? He looks like a pale Urkel!" I glared at her. I wrapped my arms around his little body.

"I want cake!" Aiden said loudly.

"Kendall I don't have time for this-" she was cut off by the door bell.

"They're early!" She gasp and scurried to the door. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to my little brother. I stooped down to his level and took off the coat of his suit. Aiden pulled something out of his coat pocket. It was a folded piece of paper he waved it at me frantically.

"What's this little man?" I asked as I grabbed it gently form his tiny hands. I opened the paper and there was a two little stick figures. The one on the left I guessed was a girl because she only had one strand of hair and a sloppy triangle for a dress. Then there was an assuming little boy with glasses with short strand of hair. I smiled a little. It was a pretty crappy drawing. But I loved it because he made it. I looked up from the paper and Aiden was smiling widely at me with one of his front teeth missing. "It's me and you!" He said proudly.

"I love it Aiden. Thank you." I messed up his hair.

"Please come on in! The fun is this way!" I heard my mother announced. My mother came marching in with her heard. My mom's friends all sort of looked the same big hats and dainty pants suits and sundresses.

"Oh Carrie! It's beautiful! All the way from the flower arrangements to the centerpiece." One of her friends complimented.

"Thank you so much Regina!" My mother said pleased.

"Is that Kendall! She's growing!" Vanessa squealed. I looked down at the walkway and scratch the side of my dress.

"So does the grass what's new?" I muttered under my breathe. Mom shot me a look that said behave. She went back to her friendlier expression.

"I know she's growing up so fast! That also reminds me Kendall where's your brother?"

I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. "You were looking for me?" Liam said cockily.

"Yes we were! We can't have a birthday without out you of course!"

I rolled my eyes. She's so fake.

"Well let's get this party started!" Liam beamed.


We were sitting around the cake and Liam and I were about to blow out the candles it was ten for each year.

"Make a wish you two!" My mother said.

I blew out the birthday candles lazily while Liam blew them out quickly. Everyone that was surrounded us clapped.

Mom began to cut the cake and place them on to plates.

"Can't you be a little happy?" Liam whispered. I turned my head toward his direction.

"Not a chance."

Liam rolled his eyes and stood up holding his cake in his left hand. "I would like to thank everyone for coming. But I would like to say Happy birthday to my sister Kendall she's my other half. I don't know what I would do without her. So happy birthday Kenny!" He smiled. It happened so fast I didn't even get a chance to react. Liam had smashed his cake in my face. I heard everyone gasp and Aiden giggle. I wiped cake from eyes to see Liam smirk at me. I got up slowly and quietly.

"Liam in honor of our birthday I'm going to give you a ten second start because that's all you're going to have before I kill you!" I yelled. I took off my heels and Liam dashed away.

"Kendall! Don't!" Mom begged. But it was too late because I was already charging for Liam. I felt the wind in my face. He was fast but unfortunately not fast enough. I tackled him to ground and I pinnned Liam down to the grass.

Liam was laughing like a maniac "Happy birthday Kenny!" Then Liam licked the side of my face.

Happy almost birthday to me! I did this chapter just for the occasion. We have almost reach our goal. I need one more read to reach 1k. I'm so close! I can't wait I feel like we're going to reach our goal by tonight!

Much love💕


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