Chapter 28

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I was in the pitch black dark and that's the way I like it. I never want to come out or see the light of day ever again. My phone rested near my pillow silently. It stayed quiet for two days. I grabbed it without thought and turned it on. The bright light glared at me in my face. I squint at the phone and blinked a few times to get used to the bright light. My phone read I had twenty-nine missed calls from Reagan, Mia, Callie, and Adam in all.

There were a handful of text messages. But I wouldn't bother to read. Something aches inside of me. I wouldn't admit it out loud. Quietly in my thoughts I knew. I missed Adam. The temptation to call him was strong. I'm stuck with this feeling in my chest. He should forget about me. Forget about that bet. I turned off my phone and crawl back into my hole full of pillows.

A few hours later, I heard endless pats at my window. I gotten out of bed and walked up to the window dreading and hoping it was Adam outside. Hope and almost excitement seeps around me. Maybe he's out there right now. Maybe hearing his voice would me right again. I peered out my window eagerly.

But Adam wasn't there. No rocks. No one. It was just the pitter patter of water droplets at my window. It almost hurt to sigh when I sat down at the window sill. I brought my hand up to the cold glass and watched the water fight against the glass. I heard a soft knock at my door. I didn't answer or say come in. What's the point?
I heard the click signaling the door was being opened. "Kenny?" I heard. Aiden only calls Kenny only when I'm upset.

"Yeah?" I asked below a low voice. I didn't take my eyes off the window I just focused on the undeliberate splatters of water droplets.

"You okay?" He asked. "Because if you are that's good. But if you're not you know I'm not good with comforting thing."

I would've smiled but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"No I'm okay I promise." I nodded.

"Okay I'm in the next room if you need me." He said softly. Then I heard the door closed. I began to think about when the time when volcano exploded and when Adam took me home it began to pour down raining. When I looked into his eyes they seemed to be a shade lighter.

A painful weight was set in my chest. It was unbearable. This pain raised up from my chest and formed in my eyes in the placement of tears. My tears fell over and ran down my flesh. I heaved out a small cry. The tears seemed like they're are almost endless. I want Adam back.

Hey guys I know..I know it's been two days and I haven't updated. I'm going to have to take a few day to finish multiple chapters so this will have to do until I update again. Don't worry I'm leaving you hanging. Oh and tell me what you think about the book so far!!

Much love💕


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