Chapter 59

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Adam's POV

I was sketching away on my paper under the tree. My fingertips were covered with lead. I glanced up Kendall slowly. She was giving out orders and throwing leaves everywhere. I couldn't help but grin. She was so beautiful when she was telling people what to do. Her brown hair blew in the wind but she didn't mind it. Her brilliant brown eyes darted everywhere to make sure everything was in order.

"You really like her don't you?" David asked as he watched Wendy from a distance.

"Yeah..I do," I grinned a little.

"At first I could've sworn you had the look." He chuckled a little.

"The look?"

He leaned his back against the tree. "You know what look I'm talking about,"

My mouth went dry. "No..we both taking this slow. Really slow." I cleared my throat. "When you did you realize exactly?" I asked slowly.

"I'm not sure. I remember this once we were at this wedding and it began to rain. Like this was the kind of rain that had lawn chairs blowing in the middle of the street and lightening was coming out of no where. At the time Wendy just disappeared. I just assumed she want to go pack some cake in her purse or something. But I looked out the window..and there she was. Standing there. She was drenched from the rain and her dress was clung to her body.." He said with a small smile.

I listened to him intently as he continued.

"I went outside and tried to call her back in. But instead..She pulled me out there with her. She wanted me to hold her. I thought she lost her mind. But Wendy forced me to hold her. And we just stood there in the rain. She had this serene look in her eyes. It was just one of those moments where I knew that I loved her. I wouldn't care if she dragged me through hell as long as she's holding my hand I'd do it in a heartbeat."

I sat there lost in the story. I completely forgotten where I was and what I was doing. I blinked a few times and snapped myself back into reality. I looked down softly.

"Kendall's special I wouldn't let her go if I were you.."


Kendall's POV

"Alright you guys have a nice night!" I grinned at the couple. Then I took down at the kids and gave them their payment of M&M's.

"A pleasure doing business.." I smirked. The little kids giggled and ran away.

I shook my head a little and walked over to the tree I left Adam at. He was sitting there drawing away on his paper.

"I'm home from work dear.." I smirked a bit. He looked up at me with a lazy grin.

"I drew you something." Adam mentioned.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Mhm..take a look." He ordered. I took the papers away from him and looked down at the sketch. I stared at the drawing in awe. It was a girl laughing straight into the drawing. Her nose was crinkled and she looked like she just heard something really funny. The girl's eyes lit up like Christmas trees with a slight mischievousness dash in as well. She looked like she was dilerously happy. She looked like me.

I looked up at Adam with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Is this me?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was just doing some doodling. No big deal." He shrugged. I gave him a look. Of course it was a big deal.

"This isn't regular doodling Adam. This is talent." I commented.

"Well that doesn't matter since you gave me away to Wendy and all." He snapped me a look.

I flashed him an innocent smile then backed away slowly.

"Why are you walking away Ken?" Adam walked closer to me.

"You're giving me that look." I reminded. His blue eyes were set on me he crossed his arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Adam smirked.

My feet were set into high gear. I kicked leaves out of the way as my shoes collided with the ground. The wind made my eyes water a bit.

"Kendall!" Adam called. I felt him catching up with me I squealed as I kept sprinting. But it was short lived when strong arms snatched me violently. I let out a laugh as I fell to the ground. Leaves scattered against eachother in the air making look like an autumn snowglobe. Before I knew it I was pinned down to the ground.

"Now look who's on top.." Adam smirked lightly. I gave him a glare. "Say it. Say you would never give me up." He orders.

"I would never give you. Ever." I smiled softly. Adam gave me a playful eye roll then kissed my forehead.

I heard clicking of a camera I whipped my head around quickly. Samuel was standing next to a tree and holding his camera.

"I think I'll keep this.." He said turning away slowly.

I couldn't help but smile.

Hayy alright so I need to take a break for awhile. You know a bit of brainstorming and when I come back which won't be forever and a year. There will be more chapters.

You better stay tuned.


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