Chapter 52

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"Don't you think he's gonna be pissed if we wake him up?" I asked.

"Yeah. But that's the fun part." Liam smirked.

We walked down the hallway quietly. It was sort of dark so Liam held my hand as we strolled down the hallways.

We stopped by the door as Liam pulled a few things out of the duffle bag he was carrying. He gave me two air horns and a party noise maker.

"Ready?" Liam asked. If I could hear smirks right about now it would be yelling.

"Yeah.." I said reluctantly. He placed his hands on the doorknob. Then we walked into Aiden's room quietly. Liam and I tip toed on each side of his bed. I gaze down at our little brother as he slept. His light brown hair almost look like a dirty blonde in the light. He looked so peaceful I would almost feel bad to mess that up.

"He looks so peaceful..should we be doing this?" I asked in a whiper.

His light brown eyes gazed at me he looked at me as if I was an idiot. "Duh." He whispered shouted.

"Okay..Okay." I whispered back.

"One..two..three!" I pressed down on the air horns like my life depended on it as Liam did the same. Aiden sat up so quickly it was almost a blur. He was breathing heavily and he looked around frantically. Liam and I were curled over in laughter. Aiden gave the both of us a hard glare.

"Happy birthday little bro!" Liam grinned. He jumped on Aiden's bed tackling him into a heap of sheets. I remained on the floor laughing.

Aiden began groaning. "I can't breathe.." He wheezed. Liam turned on his back with a satisfied smile.

"That's too bad."

"Please get off me your body is sending my kidneys to my legs!" Aiden choked. Liam rolled over to the other side of the bed lazily.
Aiden started gasping for air. "This was the worst birthday surprise ever!" He gasped.

"Happy birthday nerd." I smiled as I sat next on his bed. Aiden glared at me and smacked me with a pillow.

"Ow!" I whined. I grabbed a pillow and smacked him back making his glasses fly off. "Ha!" I smirked.

Aiden went searching for his glasses. "You play rough.." he whined.

"You started it I needed to finish it!" I said it was fact as I cross my arms. Aiden glared at me and grabbed his glasses from under the bed.

"Okay firsts things first! Since it's Aiden's fourteenth birthday I need to teach him how to shave and then we'll go to the beach!" Liam annouced as Aiden adjusted his glasses back on his face.

"Shave? He doesn't even have hair on his face." I commented as I clutched Aiden's face. His lips were puckered out with annoyed look on his face. I smiled sweetly at my little brother and let go of his face.

"Very true but he's going to learn how. It's a Evans tradition that's been passed on for generations." Liam said to me as he guided Aiden out of the room. "You're going to stay here." He commanded.


"It's an Evan man thing! Get dressed or something!" Liam waved me away. I glared at him as he walked away with Aiden. I rolled my eyes and huffed.


I finished getting dress and I walked out of the room quietly and crept down the hallway making my way to the bathroom. The door was cracked letting out a crease of light from the bathroom.

I peeked into the bathroom to see Liam and Aiden with face cream on their cheeks. I smiled a bit as I watched them shaving.

"Okay remember you never go side to side..always up and down and left to right." Liam instructed.

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