Chapter 58

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I was driving down the dark road. I glanced over at Aiden. He was looking out the window and with a small smile spread across his face. He seemed lost in thought about something. I smiled softly and looked back at the road. Hips Don't Lie played on the radio softly.

I bit down on my lip a bit and turned it up a smidge. Aiden turned to me with a small laugh.

"Baila en la calle de noche
Baila en la calle de día.." I sang softly as it played.

"Baila en la calle de noche..Baila en la calle de día.." Aiden sang the next line softly. It wasn't the same without Liam so we just let the rest of the song play as we drove down the road.


A few days later, I was driving down the road on my way to the park where the portraits were going to be held. Then I heard my phone ring. I saw Adam's face blink on my screen.

I answered it with a smile.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey where am I meeting you again?" Adam asked.

"For the tenth time the park. You know that place with the swings and the slides. Where some of our dates took place." I listed with a smirk.

"Oh yeah. I remember that you got me hard under a tree. How can I possibly forget?" He smirked.

"That was an accident!" I objected.

"Kendall you were grinding on top of me.."

"I was sitting on top of you and I moved an inch then all the sudden you began to groan. The rest of that was not my fault!"

"An inch? Really? Is that what were going to cover up the story with? Just admit it. You grinded on me in front of little kids." I could hear his smirk.

"Adam I'm leaving this conversation. Goodbye." I said then hung up on him. I rolled my eyes set down my phone pulling into the park.


"Alright I need that light readjusted it's too far the left." I instructed to the person that brought the lighting.

"I need to keep all of the leaves to stay in that bag so make sure none of them make it out of there." I told the woman gathering the leaves.

A small breeze creeped upon my neck leaving me in shudders.

"Kendall this a thanksgiving greeting card. Not a spread for Vogue." Samuel reminded.

"When these people get a load of the card it'll look better than Vogue." I smirked.

"Sam leave her be she's just a dreamer. And when she dreams, she dreams big.." Wendy said holding hands with her husband, David.

"David!" I smiled. I gave him a quick hug and grinned up at him. His sandy blonde hair fell to his chocolate brown eyes. I always thought he was a really good looking guy.

"I guess I can't call you little Ken anymore. You're doing this all by yourself. I'm proud of you." He messed up my hair. Wendy rested her head on his shoulder.

"Babe our little girl is growing seems like just yesterday we taught her how to focus a camera." Wendy dramatically sobbed. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. David stared at her with a small smile as if she was the most extraordinary thing he's ever laid eyes on. I want that look one day.

"Well as much I would love to stay and chat I need to go check if we have everything in order before the Carpenters get here.." I sighed.

I moved away from the group and grabbed a clip board and a pen.

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