Chapter 5

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(👆👆Mia is above👆👆)

"You told him where I worked!?" I said acidly. I buckled my seat belt furiously.

Callie just smiled sweetly at me. "Did I mention I love you, Ken?"

She drove out of the parking lot. The sky was in the midst of night and the sun set. Where the purple from the setting sun was mixing in with the rising night.

"Why in the hell would you do that!" I yelled. This was wrong on so many levels. I never asked to be into this large mess. But I did shake his hand for this stupid bet. I guess it was just one of those times where you do things in the heat of the moment, and you never really understand how much you'll regret it.

"Because you need something different! You need an escape and you can not keep hiding behind Reagan, Mia, and I! It's not healthy! We have one more year of high school left. Then all of us are going to spread out. Going to different colleges around the country. What were you going to do then?" She huffed.

Well that stung.

"You'll thank me one day Ken.." She assured me.

I rolled my eyes she thinks that I'll thank her. How amusing is that.

"Come on Kendall you can't be that mad!"

"I'm not mad I'm just highly irritated." I grumbled. We were almost at my house. The heat was blaring around us. The nights ended a little quicker everyday leaving the cold to fend for itself.

"I'm doing this because I love you." She noted with one of her bright grins.

"Whatever Callie." I waved off her. Maybe she was doing it because she loved me. But then I couldn't help but wonder if I was really so difficult where one of my best friends had to set me up. It's like a blind date. Only except I know who it is. But I'm still forced to do it.

"How was work?" She asked. Slicing the silence that I sort of enjoyed into shards of glass.

My gaze sidelonged towards her. She would ask me that question. And as if she didn't know the minority. But I still was itching to tell her what I did today. It was a battle field in my mind of what I should and should not tell her.

"Well Samuel got bitten by one of our client's children and went to the hospital so I had to finish the portraits." I told her slowly. I brought my knees in to my chest to close in the heat.

She busted into open laughter.
"Really? That's insane. Did you call him to make sure was okay?"

I smiled a little. It will be a good story to tell later on at Samuel's expense. "No not yet I'll do it tonight."

Her eyes were kept on the road but was still thoroughly wrapped around the story. "So did you ruin the pictures?" She raised a brow at the wind shield.

"No I did not ruin the pictures." I said mockingly before letting off a deep eye roll.

Callie let another laugh then slowly pulled into my driveway.

"Thanks for the ride." I opened the car door and slipped out of the car. I turned to her as she open up the window.  "Oh you don't have to pick me up tomorrow." I mentioned.

"Who's picking you up?" She asked curiously. I remembered the battlefield in my mind. Things I should and should not tell her. Right now this was one of those times.

"No one in particular." I shrugged lightly.

"But-" Callie began but I turned away from her and ran onto my porch. I let out a laugh into the night air. I saw my breath fog the bit of the air. One of the first of the year. "Kendall Evans!" She called from her car. I smirked widely and shook my head.

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