Chapter 13

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My alarm went off and I smacked down on it. I walked in the bathroom and I was about to take a shower. My eyes widen when I looked in the mirror and there was three red bruises on my collarbone and my chest.

The memory from last night floated back to me. Those aren't bruises. Those are hickeys. Chills ran up and down my body. He's been racking up teasing points.

I glare at the hickeys in the mirror.

This is not the end.

I took my shower and went to my closet to find the most revealing outfit I had in my closet. I put more effort into my makeup this time.

Adam and me were going to hang out today at the lake.

I threw on shorts that showed off my ass and a black v-neck crop top that almost hung so low that you could see my cleavage with white converses.

Adam texted me saying he would be here five minutes. I let my hair flow out it's now down my back now. I ran my fingers through my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Not bad.
Adam texted me and let me know he was here.

Show time.

I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house. Adam was waiting there leaning on his car.
I could tell he was undressing me with his eyes. I gave him a sexy smirk knowing exactly what he's thinking.

"Hey gorgeous."

"Hey." I walked up to him I noticed that he was staring at my hickeys. Adam started to trace my hickeys. Chills ran down head to toe.

"You're trying to tease me right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about.." I said innocently.
"Even if I was..what are you going to do about it?"

He tugged me close to his body. I could feel the buldge in his pants
"You're not making this easy Kendall." Adam's hand slowly traveled up my shirt.

"I think that's the point Adam.." I hummed.

I was enjoying this. Making him suffer and watching him squirm. I can see and how much he wants me.
I pulled away from him and got in the car. Adam got in the car and he looked at me.

"If you think this little stunt is working. It isn't."

"Tell that to the bulge in your pants." I said sweetly.

He looked down and frowned as if he forgot it was there. I laughed as we drove off.
There's a park called the lake. It has a playground and obviously a lake. It's been around ever since I can remember I spent most of my childhood here.

We pulled up in the parking lot I looked around and nothing's changed it brings a small smile to my face.

"You've been here before right?"

"Yeah plenty of times." All the memories of this place were floating back. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out the car.

Adam strolled out the car with his hands in his pockets. "So what do you want to do first?" I asked.

He looked around for a second then his eyes light up. "I'll be right back." He smiled then he ran away.

Okay then.

I looked around I see children on the swings laughing and holding hands. I gazed at them I have memories of that swing. I broke my leg for the first time from jumping off that swing. The memory made me smile. I felt a strong pair of arms pick me up and spin me around. I squealed from being sneaked up on. At first I thought it was Adam but it sort of felt different.

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