Chapter 19

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Sunglight grazed my eyes I unwillingly let them open. I looked around the room but my eyes found Adam's. He was staring at me intensely like he didn't want to miss a single detail. I didn't from last night and I wasn't going to ask any questions. I'm not going to judge Adam for what he did.

Everyone has their reasons for why they do what they do. I wanted ask Adam what happen to make him go off the edge like that. I never want to see Adam that hurt ever again. "Hey." Adam gave me a half smile. His hair was in his eyes I reached up and pushed it back from his face gently.

"Hi.." I said softly.

"I'm sorry about last night.." He looked down. I slowly put my hand to his cheek. Adam looked up at me.

"Don't feel sorry about feelings Adam. Everyone has them some people just hides them better than others." I wasn't wrong because I hide my feelings all the time. At first it was difficult trying to hide what I really felt inside but now I don't even have to try. "But I hate seeing you like that.." I said softly. Adam looked down as if he's ashamed. I sat up in his bed and look at him deep in the eyes.

"Just promise me on thing." I said firmly. He sat up in along with me and stared at me.

"What is it?"

"Stop taking drugs. If you need me I'll be here for you I don't want you hurting yourself anymore." I explained. Adam's eyes seem to be a bit brighter than before.

"Yeah I promise." He smirked.

"Thanks I know I'm asking for a lot.." I looked down.

"You care about me that's all I get it." I bite down on my lip instantly. I don't want too close to him. I guess I do care about him I can't hide that now.


Adam and I walk out of his house. "I would stay longer but I need to go check up on Aiden." I gave him a crooked smile.

"It's fine but I'm having this sleepover tomorrow with my friends. I was hoping if you wanted to come. It's not going to just guys by the way." I was starting to worry for a second.

"Yeah it should be fun." I nodded.
I unlocked my car about to get in.

I turned around and Adam leans in before I could protest he kisses my cheek softly. A few seconds later I felt tiny sparks on the spot where he kissed my cheek. Adam pulled away looking down at the ground with his hands in his pockets. "Thanks for being here for me people don't usually see me that way.." He said.

"It's no problem..I gotta get going I'll text you tonight." I said. I still could feel the tingling in my cheek. I got in my car and I looked up and Adam gave me a small wave and a boyish smile. Then I drove off.


I pulled in my driveway with a small grin on my face. I turned the key in my door and walked in. Aiden was waiting for me on top of the stair case.

Here we go.

"Where have you been?" Aiden interrogated. I bit down on my lip and set down my key on the table.

"I was at Adam's house." I answered. Aiden cocked an eyebrow at me. "Something came up so I just went over there.."

"Mmhm. So tell me why you spent the night there?" I whipped my head towards him. Why does he have to act like dad?

"Because I wanted to Aiden." I huffed. Aiden strolled down the steps looking at me dead in the eyes.

"What are you doing with him?" He asked. I guess I couldn't drop the subject anymore.

"Come with me to the kitchen," I beckoned. We made our way to the kitchen. I grabbed the coffee grounds and when I open the bag the scent of coffee flooded my nose. God I love coffee. I put on a pot of coffee and waited for it to brew. "You want any?" I asked pointing to the coffee. Aiden shook his head with a serious face. I turned my back to him and smiled a little.
I poured out the coffee in a mug and sat down.

"Are you going to tell me now?" He asked.

I nodded and took a deep breathe. I know Aiden is going to want all the facts so I'll have to start from the beginning. "Three weeks ago, I got a new lab partner in science. It just so happens to have been Adam. He began flirting with me the first minute he saw me. After class he asked me to go out with me I turned him down of course. Then he showed up to my job and wanted to make a bet with me-" I stopped to look at him his facial expression was intrigued.

"Go on," He urged.

"The bet was that if I become attracted to Adam before homecoming it just proves his point that any girl can fall for him. But if I win the bet he quits being a player and gets his act together. Here we are three weeks later the bet is still going on." I looked at my cup. Aiden didn't say anything for awhile.

"What a interesting little romance you got going on there.." he smirked.

"Shut up. It's not a romance." I mumbled. What me and Adam have is far from a romance.

"So he's the reason why you been so happy these couple of weeks.." he said. My head shot up to look at him.
Have I been happier since Adam's been around? Adam's hasn't been making me happier.

At least I don't think so.

It's a snow dayy!❄ since it is a snow day there will be probably be multiple chapters coming your way. Alright this little brown is out. Don't forget to Vote and comment.

Much love💕


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