Chapter 1

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I was racing around the house looking for my keys. "Mom! Have you seen my keys!" I shouted across the house.

"No!" She shouted back. I groaned in frustration it's like no one knows where shit is around here. I raced downstairs and I grabbed my backpack. Callie will be here any minute and I don't have my keys. Then when I turn around my brother was holding my keys. "Thanks Aiden." I sighed in relief.

"If it wasn't for me I don't think your head would be on straight." He said proudly. He's too much of a smart ass for his age. And him skipping a grade doesn't help much. I rolled my eyes and heard a beeping of a car.

"Callie's here I gotta go I'll see you at school," I said as I walked out the door.

I ran up to the baby blue jeep and climb in the car. "Hey." I greeted.

"Hey babe." She smiles. I roll my eyes at my nickname.

"We need to pick up Mia and Reagan," She mentioned.

"Okay." I nodded. Callie blasts her music on our way to Regan's. I could feel the whole car vibrate. Callie put the windows down and my hair was crashing with the wind.

"Are you going to homecoming?" She asked eagerly. I chuckled softly it's like she doesn't know me.

"" I laughed. I scrolled through my phone. Homecoming is over rated you get a dress for one night and after that, it will collect dust in your closet.

The car came to a screeching halt. I felt my whole body leaned forward and pulled back to the seat. I was confused I looked over to Callie she looked like she was going to kill me. "What!" I asked.

"Kendall Evans if don't go to homecoming I swear I will drag you by your hair to homecoming and make the rest of your life a living hell!" She promised. She looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Well I guessed you have to make my life a living hell Callie. You know I hate dances. And I don't even own a dress so doesn't that tell you something?" I groaned. She gave me a death glare but I just blinked at her. She started the car and started to drive to Reagan's. I turn back to my phone. I could feel the Callie's anger pulsing around the vehicle. Her hands wrapped around the stirring wheel so tight her knuckles were a sickly white.

How come I feel like I'm in trouble?

I glanced at her and smirked a little. Her dirty blonde hair flickered in the wind. We pulled up to Reagan's house. She honked the horn furiously. I laughed to myself to make sure she didn't get even more pissed off than she was now.

Reagan came out of her house with her brilliant bleach blonde hair bouncing from side to side. She climbed in next to me. "Hey," She smiled. Then she looked at Callie. Reagan's face fell as she notice her current state.

"Kendall, what did you do?" She asked me. Her expression pressed on me sternly.

My jaw dropped I whipped my head towards her. I looked into her electric blue eyes.

"Why do you think it's fucking me!" I gawked. She gave me a face saying it's  obviously you.

"Kendall won't go to homecoming!" Callie breaks her silence. Reagan hides her smile by pursing her lips.

"Kendall go to homecoming!" She orders stifling a laugh.

"No. I don't want to." I protest.

"You know that Callie will make your life a living hell!" She let's out an open laugh. Reagan was always the mother hen out of all of us. The wise one to say the least. She always knew what to say and how to say it.

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