Chapter 10

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(👆👆Aiden is above👆👆)

I opened my eyes and they're were chips everywhere and dvds. I must've fell asleep I looked to my right and Aiden was as sleeping. I looked at him and smiled.

He actually looked innocent. His light brown hair was ruffled. Straight nose and light brown eyes with naturally tan skin. He was just like me but in guy form.

I grabbed my phone and turned it on the light burned into my eyeballs. I squinted from instinct I notice that it was only five in the evening.

My messages were off the charts.
All from Rowan, Mia, and Callie. Nothing from Adam.


They all left messages asking if I was okay or they found out what happened. I texted them all and told them to come over for a sleepover.

There was nothing else to do I'm pretty sure Aiden will be up soon.

Aiden started to stir and he opened his familiar eyes. "Hey." He mumbled.

"Hi." I gave him a half smile.

"Are Rowan, Mia, and Callie coming over?" He asked.

"Yeah why?"

"Just because that's what you do when you're upset and I looked at your phone when you weren't looking." He answered.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to go to my know study." He smiled.

Aiden always worked himself too hard. He's already a sophomore in high school and I'm a junior. I worry for him sometimes he's racing through his high school years. I don't just want him missing out. Aiden isn't a nerd. He's just a genius when it comes to school.

We got him tested and everything he's has no special diseases or anything. But just whips through school like its nothing.

"Don't work too hard okay?" I said genuinely.

"I'll try not to..I want to skip another grade soon." He got up and walked to the door.

Here we go again. He leaned on my door frame. I know he's a freak boy genius but seriously!


"Umm..yeah it's been something I've been meaning to're not bugging about it are you?"

"No..I just don't want you to skip grades just because you feel like it. I want you to enjoy high school Aiden. Not run pass it. What are you trying to achieve by skipping another grade?"

He sighed and went over to my bed again.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked. I could see in his eyes that he didn't want me to know.


"My goal is to be in the same grade as you."

Whoah. I didn't see that coming.

"Why? You've got friends and other things you don't need to be with me in the same grade." I laughed.

"I know..but I want to its not just something for you but it's for me. If I don't pass it's fine I'll stay in the same grade. I just want to see if I can."

I stared at him for awhile and then a smile stretch on my face.

I leaned over and hugged him tight he returned the gesture.
"I love you my little freak genius."

" I love you too loser. That pet name better not stick." He laughed.

"It's not going anywhere." I promise.

He rolled his eyes "Whatever." He said.

Then he slipped out of my bedroom.


I heard a knock at my front door my eyes lit up I raced down stairs and swing the door open.

All of my friends were at the door. Mia was holding a huge bag of Hershey's chocolate. Rowan was holding for large jars of nutella. Like the bigs one you get from Costco.

Callie was holding a whole bunch a junk food that a person can live off of a month.

"Hey guys.." I said shyly.

I was in sweats and a messy bed head hair bun. I didn't care how I looked at this point.

I let them in and helped set up in the living room.

"We got Nutella and a shit load junk food." Mia announced.
She set the food on the table.

Callie and Rowan help set up the chips and the nutella. I helped set up as well I grabbed the nutella jar and some fruit then plopped on the couch.

The girls sat down on the couch.

"So do you want to tell us what happened?"

I nodded slowly "Well Adam took me out on a date the other day. I thought it was really cool then,
today I found out that he does the same routine to girls. Then I became furious and splashed coffee across his face and I walked out."

"Why were so furious?" Mia asked.

"Because I'm not some toy that he can play with."

Things fell silent after awhile. There's only one thing I know that can bring up a conversation.

"So..did you guys pick out your dresses for homecoming?"

Their eyes light up then they started chatting away. I stayed silent for the whole time watching them talk about what color they wanted.

I just don't get it. I don't get why regular green and slightly regular green makes a huge difference. But apparently it does.

I put on The Notebook because I know my friends enjoy this kind of stuff.

I eventually fell asleep from boredom.

I'm guessing a few hours later I opened my eyes and the credits were rolling and everyone was asleep. I smiled a little I'm glad I have friends that have my back. I don't know what I would do without these losers. I let myself fall back to sleep.

Ain't nothing like the power of Friends and Nutella. Haha.  Thanks for reading and don't forget to Vote and comment.



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