An Announcement

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We need to talk.

It has been a total of six months since I have last posted a chapter. I have given excuses as to why. But there is bluntly no excuse. Which brings me to my announcement. This book will be concluding. There will be an epilogue to tie up loose ends and things that weren't answered.

The abrupt ending is not because of lack of inspiration. It is more of an over load of inspiration. I loved playing with all these characters. Almost to the point where the ending would've been no time soon.  Kendall and Adam will always be in my heart. And I can proudly say these were my first characters that have came to life. But the main reason is I am a better writer with better ideas. Looking at this work and my new work have very much a comparison. So I am closing the book Adam and Kendall's story. And maybe I'll pick this back up but make it better.

Which brings me to another point. I want to thank all thirty-six thousand  readers who have read this book. Having a thousand was enough for me. But you all have went over and beyond my expectations. I am so grateful for all of you. Thank you for reading my story. You guys have kept this running thing too. From the comments and the love, you're pretty fucking great. But I'm not disappearing. My writing skills have vastly approved and with that being said, I would love for you guys to look at my new peice. All new characters and plot. It's in it's beginning stages. (Like I don't even have a title.) And I want to give this to you when everything is in it's place.

I love all of you.

Thank you.

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