Chapter 72

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 One year later.

"Ken! you are going to be late for check in if we don't hurry this thing along!" I heard a voice call from down stairs. I rolled my eyes thoroughly done with being rushed. This just didn't happen, you know.

"I told you I was coming, Asshat!" I called out from the banister. I had all my things packed and ready to go. It had struck me that we wouldn't be coming back this time. This was it. Like the big it. I had my stomach in knots but also thrilled all at once. I had doubled checked everything. But the one thing I was missing? My keys. "Adam! Have you seen my keys? I can't find them!" I yelled back down stairs. I only gotten a groan as an answer. Well that certainly helps. 

We had to be out of here any minute and I don't have my keys. I pat down my pants and back pocket. "Where in the hell-" I mutter but then I stopped short when I heard the jingling of keys. I turned around on my heels to see my brother was holding my keys dangling by his finger. "Thank you, Aiden."

"If it wasn't for me I don't think your head would be on straight." He said all too proudly. He is still too much of a smart ass for his age. And him going into college early doesn't help his ego much.

"Wonder where I heard that one before." I rolled my eyes before sighing in relief. He merely shrugged as if he didn't have a clue. He was better now. After the accident he went to live with our father. It only made sense. He would join me next year as a freshman in college.

 Oh sweet sweet joy.

I messed up his hair before I sweeped away from him. I carried my bags with me down the halls. I jogged down the many flights of stairs of this lived in museum. I did know that I wouldn't miss this. As I had gotten to the double doors I saw Adam with Lucy. She was attached to his waist as per usual. She had gotten so much bigger over the last year. She would be starting kindergarten this year. Seems almost surreal.

"Now I will be back for you as soon as I can get my hands on you okay?" He vowed to his little sister. 

"Pinkie swear?" She asked with those large blue eyes of hers. She held up her small pinkie as he hooked it with his much larger one. She gave him one of her best smiles then looked over to me. Which made him look over at me as well. Then that usual light caught his eyes when he looked at me. It use to bother me because I never knew why. Now I know.

"Pinkie swear." He said to her but he was looking at me the whole time. She wiggled from his arms and ran back into the house.

"I finally got everything together. We can hit the road now." I said to him with my half grin. 

"Yeah we can't keep the girls waiting." He reminded me as he smirked slightly over to me.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I waved him off. Callie was majoring in fashion and business, Mia was studying to be a pedatrician, and we were all going the same college. But Rae had deceided she would go to Hardvard as planned. We would visit her on the holidays and breaks. Nothing will change too much if Callie can help it. She wants to keep us all together. Just like glue. "Knowing them, I'll probably beat them there."

"That isn't wrong." Adam agreed as he packed up the car for me. He strolled over to me lazily before leaning against the car. He wasn't going to college. His father will be training him for the company which meant he would go to business school then slip right into learning the inner workings. He no longer wore his lip ring. It was odd for me to look at him without it. But it was getting outdated, he said. But damn did he look good with it while it lasted.

I satisfyingly smiled at him. 

"So every weekend and Christmas?" Adam raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Yes. Every weekend and Christmas. No expections." I grinned gently as he took my hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed my knuckles. He ran his thumb on the modest diamond on my ring finger. It was merely a promise that I could gaurantee it would happen. All it needed was just the right time.

"I promise." He said as he stepped into the car.

I made a face at the name he had given me. But beamed at him only to show that I was kidding. It sort of grown on me. "Okay." I said climbing into my car. 

"You're gonna call Aiden when you get there?"

"Yes, Adam." I said in a monotone.

"And call your mother?" 

"That's a stretch."


"Yes." I drew out the yes. Our relationship was work in progress. It may never be the same. I guess nothing could fill the hole where Liam used to be. There was still no answers. Maybe it'll get easier. Or maybe that was just a lie. I closed my car door and started the car. He looked over at me with a small shake of his head. "You're gonna miss me when I'm gone?"

"Meh." Was all my boyfriend said.

"You wanna bet?"

He gazed over to me with the same wickedness that he had when he first walked into my job. The one that made me feel like I was making a deal with the devil himself. Little did I know he would ultimately be my angel in disguise. "Oh yeah." 

I had laughed out loud when we pulled off. You guys maybe at the end of this story but to us?

It is merely the beginning. 

Much Love, guys.

- SD

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